The So. Md. Jam Band's Christmas Song


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Yes ladies and gentlemen, tonight you are in for a rare treat. For the first time ever, I am posting a link to a song performed by my occassional jam band.

We've been playing together for about two years, once a week or so, just to have fun. Some guys play poker, we jam.

This was some day between Christmas and New Year 2008. A complete improv -- everything was made up as we went along, incuding the lyrics. This fact alone makes it possible for me to post the music publicly w/o fear of some lawyers demanding money for performing some else's copyrighted music :)

I play guitar and in this song I am playing the rhythm guitar line that follows the bass. My lead starts exactly at 4:54 into the song. (just so you can single me out for praise :lol:)

In addition to me, our sax player is an accountant from Mechanisville. The other guitar and bass are public educators from St. Mary's County. The vocalist and drummer, at the time, worked for the White House.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I play guitar and in this song I am playing the rhythm guitar line that follows the bass. My lead starts exactly at 4:54 into the song. (just so you can single me out for praise :lol:)

What'd you play it on? What amp? Very nice clean on that! :larry:


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
My favorite guitar, the Parker Hornet, and my favorite amp, the Peavey Classic 30 with a tube swap and a Celestion Vintage 30 speaker replacement. Recorded on a digital multi-tracker with 2 floating Condensor mics.

Since you're the only poster, I guess it wasn't well received. :so sad:


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...

Here's one with my homeboy from Calvert. Call it Gypsy Jazz Guy meets confused rock-n-roller. He gave me the key and played it thru once. Then we turned on the tape. Some sloppy parts, but kinda interesting. Old guys like me might notice the Richie Blackmore influences. Calvert boy is playing the rhythm and I play lead over it. It was his challenge to me.

Here again with Calvert homeboy. He start playing some intricate blues. I join in with some wah-wah. He plays all the lead parts. He's older than me and has been playing since early teens. I've been at it 3 yrs.

Finally, for the hardcore rockers, here is one lead part that came off pretty well. The band was VERY loud that night and you can hear me pause as I have to turn up the amp to cut thru.

Give it up. I won't quit until I get at least one groupie :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Since you're the only poster, I guess it wasn't well received. :so sad:

That depends on how you look at it; If you want the American Idle crowd to like it, then it wasn't well received. :lol:

If you want to hear from people who actually listened to it and appreciate what the band is actually doing, that is another issue. :larry:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...with 2 floating Condensor mics.

So it was live and the mics were where? You like it better than an SM 57?

On the GNX4, the 'dirty' tones, I got what I think is a better tone by sticking the 57 into a 4/12, up close and tight to one cone and cranking it into the GNX. Maybe give it a try?

Which mic did you use?


Happy Camper
:howdy: I'm your other groupie!! You guys sound great!! When I was a few (HaHa) years younger, my Uncle used to play bluegrass with a bunch of guys in his basement. Had lots of fun listening to them.


Wow! You guys are great! I could listen to you all day long!


Chin Jiggla!
So it was live and the mics were where? You like it better than an SM 57?

On the GNX4, the 'dirty' tones, I got what I think is a better tone by sticking the 57 into a 4/12, up close and tight to one cone and cranking it into the GNX. Maybe give it a try?

Which mic did you use?
Your recordings sound pretty good Larry, I like your guitar tone.

With Larry's advice I would like to add my 2 cents. Always use your a couple test shots on the multi-track untill you have that "perfect" mike position. Sometimes the sweet spot is a little "off" on the cones. And if you do a dual mike setup on a aware that there can be some phase anomolies that can occur.

David, you band sounds good! Keep up the good work!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
. Sometimes the sweet spot is a little "off" on the cones.

And not every speaker sounds the same 'nither. Gotta play around with it some. With the SM 57's, straight in and the amp cranked is pretty consistent. David would probably have to spend more time getting that sweet clean tone.

The GNX has a couple REAL nice distorted tones but they just can't get all the way away from the sterile electronic thing. I was tickled pink with the mic. However, to get it, the JCM was louder than what I wanted to be in the same room with for very long. :lol:


Chin Jiggla!
And not every speaker sounds the same 'nither. Gotta play around with it some. With the SM 57's, straight in and the amp cranked is pretty consistent. David would probably have to spend more time getting that sweet clean tone.

The GNX has a couple REAL nice distorted tones but they just can't get all the way away from the sterile electronic thing. I was tickled pink with the mic. However, to get it, the JCM was louder than what I wanted to be in the same room with for very long. :lol:
Great advice, and correct....I put mine streight on and shift acordingly as well. Some people don't think beyond throwing a mike in front of the cab. My comment is for those.