The stars at night...


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
I'd almost go to west Texas, maybe El Paso or Odessa, to see the towns and drink their beer. I'll bet THEY have some excellent Mexican and BBQ on the side of the road :yay:

Don't keep believing that. First, El Paso has one big problem. When the wind blows the wrong way, its sister city across the river does not have real sanitation/sewage so the smell is awful. This seems to have happened most every day I have been in the El Paso area. Now, El Paso does have more authentic Mexican... but, truly across the border authentic Mexican is not something you really want either. Trust in this. :nono:

Odessa is a nice little town. There are some things to see in West Texas. The marfa lights are one (southwest texas).


This Space for Rent
Bustem' Down said:
Well, Houston is Big. It's the largest city there. Downtown isn't much, you have to go to SW Houston for the nightlife. The Richmond strip. As far as tourist stuff, it's not the best. You do have Space Center Houston, the San Jacinto Battlefield, AstroWorld (Six Flags), The galleria on the West Side is a real nice pricey mall.

Oh yeah, if your into golf, The Woodlands is about and hour north of Downtown. they have a really nice course. The PGA has or has had some kind of tournament there, not sure what though.

See, you hit on why I told them it wasn't better for tourism. It does have quite a night life, though. It also has the most strip bars per capita (Larry may like that reason...). It also is great for "shopping" tourism. When I worked in the Galleria, the Westin hotels filled up with rich South Americans and Arabians who only came in to shop, shop, shop. You would actually see harams with some of the biggest Saudi oil sheeks. 10-15 veiled women would walk into the mall with about 6-7 kids in tow. They were very, very good tippers, too.


Ponytail said:
I'm going to try and arrange a trip to go to Dallas, then to San Antonio in Sept. :biggrin: Sounds fun. I just hope I get to see some of it when I get there. :really:
Used to be a big Country Western bar on Harry Hines Blvd. Can't remember the name, but women everywhere. I loved Dallas.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
FromTexas said:
See, you hit on why I told them it wasn't better for tourism. It does have quite a night life, though. It also has the most strip bars per capita (Larry may like that reason...). It also is great for "shopping" tourism. When I worked in the Galleria, the Westin hotels filled up with rich South Americans and Arabians who only came in to shop, shop, shop. You would actually see harams with some of the biggest Saudi oil sheeks. 10-15 veiled women would walk into the mall with about 6-7 kids in tow. They were very, very good tippers, too.
Yeah, I know. Not much for tourism, but I love the city cause I grew up there. Your right about El Paso, Juarez really stinks sometimes. If you want to go to a border town, we always went to Brownsville, TX. Matamores (sp) is right across the border there and that's where we always went. Laredo was closer, but Nueve Laredo is a hole.

I almost forgot, you can drive past the 8th man made wonder of the world there, The AstroDome! It's not much to look at anymore and I keep waiting for the announcement that thier going to blow it up. :lol: