The Super Geek bowl


Daddy-O 23-vs-Airgasm 28

New England Patriots-11 New York Giants 53½

If you both pick a differant team, then don't bother with all the picks below.
If you both want the same team and you two can agree to give and take odds.
Exsample..Give me 3 points more and I would take NY with 14 then don't bother with below.

If not then here we go.

2 points team to win coin toss...................................................your pick
3 points First team to score .....................................................your pick
4 points first team to recover a fumble........................................your pick
4 points first team to intercept..................................................your pick
3 points Leader at the end of 1st QT..........................................your pick
5 points leader the end of half...................................................your pick
10 points over-n-under 1/2 time.........26points......................over or under
5 points first team to score after the half...................................your pick
5 points leader at the end of third QT........................................your pick
10 points over-n-under.................53½................................over or under

These points will be added to the points you have all ready.

Have fun :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Waiting on a reply from Airgasm to see where we stand on picks.

Sorry D-O, haven't been on the forums much. I did get your pm, but wasn't sure what type of format would be in place.

I really don't have an alligence to either team. To me following Gumbo's third option is the ay to go. More to chance, more interesting... On the other hand if you give me the Giants and 35, you can have the Pat's. :whistle:
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Sorry D-O, haven't been on the forums much. I did get your pm, but wasn't sure what type of format would be in place.

I really don't have an alligence to either team. To me following Gumbo's third option is the ay to go. More to chance, more interesting... On the other hand if you give me the Giants and 35, you can have the Pat's. :whistle:

DAYUM :yikes: 35 points!


Big Wheelin'
Sorry D-O, haven't been on the forums much. I did get your pm, but wasn't sure what type of format would be in place.

I really don't have an alligence to either team. To me following Gumbo's third option is the ay to go. More to chance, more interesting... On the other hand if you give me the Giants and 35, you can have the Pat's. :whistle:

I think we agree on the last option then.....I would go up to 13 points for the g-men, but much more as I think they have a chance...

Good luck, will post my choices tomorrow!

Gumbo - Thanks for the playoffs!:buddies:


Big Wheelin'
Okay, either let me have the G-men and 13 points or,

2 points team to win coin toss...........................Gmen
3 points First team to score ..............................Pats
4 points first team to recover a fumble................Pats
4 points first team to intercept..........................Pats
3 points Leader at the end of 1st QT...................Gmen
5 points leader the end of half..............................Pats
10 points over-n-under 1/2 time.........26points......................Under
5 points first team to score after the half................Gmen
5 points leader at the end of third QT.....................Gmen
10 points over-n-under.................53½................Over


Well-Known Member
Okay, either let me have the G-men and 13 points or,

2 points team to win coin toss...........................Gmen
3 points First team to score ..............................Pats
4 points first team to recover a fumble................Pats
4 points first team to intercept..........................Pats
3 points Leader at the end of 1st QT...................Gmen
5 points leader the end of half..............................Pats
10 points over-n-under 1/2 time.........26points......................Under
5 points first team to score after the half................Gmen
5 points leader at the end of third QT.....................Gmen
10 points over-n-under.................53½................Over

Since I'm leaning towards the G-Man and the spread. Here ya go:

2 points team to win coin toss...................................................Patriots
3 points First team to score .....................................................Patriots
4 points first team to recover a fumble........................................Patirots
4 points first team to intercept..................................................Giants
3 points Leader at the end of 1st QT..........................................Patriots
5 points leader the end of half...................................................Patriots
10 points over-n-under 1/2 time.........26points......................under
5 points first team to score after the half...................................Giants
5 points leader at the end of third QT........................................Giants
10 points over-n-under.................53½................................under