The time has come .....

Nanny Pam

No....I'm not leaving the forums or having a meltdown. I have decided to "wash this gray right outta my hair."
I have my helper here today, so the kids will be fine. They like him better than me anyway. He spoiles them rotten.
It's been gray forever and I want dark brown hair now. I'd also like my boobs off of my lap, but that's gonna have to be another day. I'd also love it if 100 lbs fell off of me. :rolleyes: Maybe next year. :ohwell:

The next time ya'll talk to be, I'll be a brown headed Nanny.


Well-Known Member
I have a question. When older ladies dye their hair dark colors, when do they stop dying it? My sister's MIL is old.....and dyes her hair almost black! It is so obvious that it's, does she have to continue dying it? Or one day will she just go back to gray? :confused:

And NP, I say go for it!!! :smile:


I wanna be a SMIB
I started with a monthly rinse, then out and out dyed it a couple times, screwed it up, had it fixed, rinsed a couple more years, finally said Fk it, cut it all off butch style and let it go salt and pepper. Now its more salt than pepper, maybe thats whats causing my blood pressure to stay high.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I always thought your hair looked blond :lol: The brown looks nice and it really does pop your eyes out :yay:


My Sweetest Boy

:lmao: I used Nutriese (or however you spell it) years ago and my hair was ORANGE. Otter called me Lucy. It was awful. I get mine done at a salon now..and just had it done last night.

My hair is red but has lost its nice color as I've gotten older. I don't have much gray at all, just a little at the temple. My sister, who is 8 years older and a blond, is practically all gray.