The trails are ready


Horse Poor
I hope there's a good turn out tomorrow for the SMTR ride. I am totally wind blown from riding the lake today marking parts of the trails and more nipping for 4 hours. :lmao: Enjoyed every minute of it.They are in good shape.
Also a tidbit...Grand Champion Trailers in Madison is sponsoring a ride at Grave's Mnt. 4/28- 4/30 Not sure of the cost yet. Doesn't matter I'm going..
See everyone tomorrow.. :yay:


appyday said:
:huggy: and I hope you got all the branches out of my way...I sure hope a branch does not snap me in the head..

Hey Appy :howdy: ! Did you go? Lou was worn out from yesterdays trail ride so we just lazed around Take It Easy Ranch, fun though! I'm really enjoying being able to trail ride with him again. The only problem is getting through that first cow pasture....He mashes me up against the fence and tiptoes along like Nervous Henrietta :lmao: !

Hey, there's an App mare at the farm for sale, they said they thought she came from you a year or so ago. I know I don't need 2......but she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Mostly white with sprinkles of tan spots, was she yours?


appyday said:
Yep I picked up out out of the killer pen from New Holland for $725 :lmao:

:lalala: YOU'RE KIDDING ME! $3000 will get me that pretty pony! Is she good?
How old?


Horse Poor
appyday said:
Here this is funny....

That's just so wrong. :tantrum I think you both just set me up.... :war:
Just wait I don't get mad. I get even...Just remember all the juicy stuff I heard today from U 2.....especailly Ms.V.... :hot: :poke:


appyday said:
I took her out on a trail..I had gotten her for the kiddo...first trip out she ran me in a tree and refused to go..she was a biatch...I then sold her...They said she was great for lessons...wonder if they have had her in the woods much...I would SURE try her out there first...or second and you did Lou

I'm back in my right mind today and realizing that there is NO WAY I need 2 horses! I'm gonna ride her on Thurs. for the he!! of it, she needs the exercise anyway. I'll keep ya posted......

By the way, I still have your girth, SORRY!, Jack needs rear end work again so I'll make an appointment w/ ya and bring it with me!


appyday said:
Ok...............Tues am or Thurs pm works for me...thanks...and the bit if you still have it...thanks again...or just give me another ..
I have a new bit, same as yours that still has the tag on it. I'll give you that one and yours, I'm using something different on Prince Lou now.

What time Thurs?