The Trump Impeachment Conundrum Democrats Don’t Want to Talk About


Well-Known Member
This isn't really new, or all that surprising, but I like to get different perspectives on the issues.

This is in line with other trends going on around the world, most particularly in Western Europe, where officials wish to ignore the will of the people if that will conflicts with theirs. This is a new aristocracy which feels it has enough power to accomplish this. Propaganda from the MSM enables them, as well.

Greenfield continues:
Impeachment is not just meant to be a trial of President Trump, but of the voters who chose him. Its outcome, whatever the composition of the Senate, is meant to be an argument for remaking the system of elections, whether by abolishing the Electoral College or tampering with the judiciary, that would take the power further out of the hands of the voters and concentrate them with the right sorts of people.
A Trump presidency is unconscionable to them and was from the start.


Impeachment is just one part of the war against Trump that has been waged relentlessly since the day he was elected and even before. This latest issue regarding Trump’s conversation with Zelensky is notable for many things, but one of them is the evidence it gives of the relentless surveillance of Trump by moles in government willing to report every single thing he does that might be capitalized on by the anti-Trump forces. Trump can trust no one, and no foreign head of state who talks to him can trust that their communication will not be broadcast to the world.

This is not good for the country, but the Democrats think it’s very good for them.

I don't think we on the right understand the depths of anger and hatred that leftists harbor for (not only themselves), but for anyone and everyone who doesn't belong to their "club." We don't think that way, and it doesn't occur to us that other people do, even though they demonstrate it every day.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we on the right understand the depths of anger and hatred that leftists harbor for (not only themselves), but for anyone and everyone who doesn't belong to their "club." We don't think that way, and it doesn't occur to us that other people do, even though they demonstrate it every day.

You want to know what is REALLY amazing?

You and the rest of your ignorati brethren are no different. You all loathe anyone who doesn't look, think and pray like you do. Go read the posts that are on here from your group every day. You all are "anti" everything. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Worse, you all, who claim to be SOOOO informed and SOOOOO knowledgeable got snookered by a used car salesman.

Everything you all claimed to hate philosophically about Barrack Obama, Donald Trump is and worse. He had zero experience. He has no concern for the country. HE is the definition of elitist. He's not a businessman...anyone who is actually in business can see that. He is a self absorbed egomaniac who only cares about himself. The country doesn't matter to him.

You people voted for a game show host to be President of the United States and can't understand why the rest of the world (not just the "progbots" and "left"... the entire world) looks down on you?

But in reality it isn't your hypocrisy that is at the heart of the matter.

At the heart of the matter is Donald Trump. The man has no business being President. He flouts the law everyday. Why are there so many investigations of him and his business? Because he is a fraud, a cheat and believes the law doesn't apply to him.

You people thought Barrack Obama's policies were dangerous for America. Donald Trump the man has done more damage to this country than Obama's policies ever could.

Our allies no longer trust us, our enemies are laughing at us (hell the entire world laughed at us during Trump speech at the UN last year), and our country is more divided than at any time during my lifetime.

Impeachment isn't about changing our system of elections. Impeachment is about Trump the man....who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it does.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit hard for me to understand how a whistleblower knew what was said in a phone conversation between the two Presidents.
It is said that he didn't even hear it , but it was heard by someone else who told him.

When the President of the United States cannot talk to another leader in the world without being listened in on and to have this conversation talked about by people who cannot be trusted, just WTH is going on.

This whistleblower and whomsoever told him or rather allegedly told him need to be locked up.
They are dangerous and this is a highly placed security leak if it is true.
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Well-Known Member
This is in line with other trends going on around the world, most particularly in Western Europe, where officials wish to ignore the will of the people if that will conflicts with theirs. This is a new aristocracy which feels it has enough power to accomplish this.

This is probably the most often expressed sentiment I have heard from associates and colleagues who hail from the left - that, by and large, the people don't know what's best for them, and it would be much better if smarter, wiser, more aware type people were in charge of everything. That it would be catastrophic for the people to be in charge, and that sometimes - maybe, often - you just have to override what the people want and give them what they really OUGHT to have.

And of course, every one of those people agree with them, politically, on issues where such decisions would be made. Most common used expression? "Freedom of speech is overrated".

I wish I could find that video of the Congress person who said she needed to back to a townhall and talk to her constituents - because they don't understand any of this, and need it explained to them.
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Well-Known Member
This is probably the most often expressed sentiment I have heard from associates and colleagues who hail from the left - that, by and large, the people don't know what's best for them, and it would be much better if smarter, wiser, more aware type people were in charge of everything. That it would be catastrophic for the people to be in charge, and that sometimes - maybe, often - you just have to override what the people want and give them what they really OUGHT to have.

And of course, every one of those people agree with them, politically, on issues where such decisions would be made. Most common used expression? "Freedom of speech is overrated".

I wish I could find that video of the Congress person who said she needed to back to a townhall and talk to her constituents - because they don't understand any of this, and need it explained to them.

Suffering from some sort of inferiority complex?


Well-Known Member
Suffering from some sort of inferiority complex?
I don't think it's that. I think there are loads of people who would want their nation governed by the way they want,
without regard to how the rest of the country feels.

Actually, this comes up OFTEN in our history. Lincoln has been famously mischaracterized as being ambivalent on slavery
(when NOTHING could be further from the truth - his life was entirely against slavery) when in fact, his opinion as President
was he wasn't going to anything unless the nation wanted it.

THAT I believe is a characteristic of the right, but it is not from the left, and they QUICKLY interpret beliefs and attitudes
about issues as though the left would do the same - codify their beliefs and compel others to obey under law. For instance,
if Trump were to say it would be a good idea for us to again have prayer in school (for the record - I don't) then the left
would LOSE THEIR MINDS because they believe he would force the issue.

Because that's how THEY roll. If they think we should be forced to go green, then it doesn't matter if the people want it -
their opinion supersedes what the people want.
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Well-Known Member
You want to know what is REALLY amazing?

I'm projecting my fear, loathing, feelings of inadequacy, and self-hatred again.
Not really all that amazing, sugar booger. See it all the time from your side.

Get help.



PREMO Member
You all loathe anyone who doesn't look, think and pray like you do. Go read the posts that are on here from your group every day. You all are "anti" everything. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Reminding you what you said [ aka look in the mirror]

Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.

You are projecting again, that of which you speak is EXACTLY how Progressives are Operating


Well-Known Member
You want to know what is REALLY amazing?

You and the rest of your ignorati brethren are no different. You all loathe anyone who doesn't look, think and pray like you do. Go read the posts that are on here from your group every day. You all are "anti" everything. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Worse, you all, who claim to be SOOOO informed and SOOOOO knowledgeable got snookered by a used car salesman.

Everything you all claimed to hate philosophically about Barrack Obama, Donald Trump is and worse. He had zero experience. He has no concern for the country. HE is the definition of elitist. He's not a businessman...anyone who is actually in business can see that. He is a self absorbed egomaniac who only cares about himself. The country doesn't matter to him.

You people voted for a game show host to be President of the United States and can't understand why the rest of the world (not just the "progbots" and "left"... the entire world) looks down on you?

But in reality it isn't your hypocrisy that is at the heart of the matter.

At the heart of the matter is Donald Trump. The man has no business being President. He flouts the law everyday. Why are there so many investigations of him and his business? Because he is a fraud, a cheat and believes the law doesn't apply to him.

You people thought Barrack Obama's policies were dangerous for America. Donald Trump the man has done more damage to this country than Obama's policies ever could.

Our allies no longer trust us, our enemies are laughing at us (hell the entire world laughed at us during Trump speech at the UN last year), and our country is more divided than at any time during my lifetime.

Impeachment isn't about changing our system of elections. Impeachment is about Trump the man....who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it does.