The Tyranny of A Minority President Has Begun — And So Has The Resistance


Ubi bene ibi patria
Donald Trump’s official presidential bio contains about a half-dozen attempts to convince someone — probably himself — that his win was a massive blowout and not a shameful, slight fluke only made possible by the intervention of a foreign government and a domestic conspiracy to get the FBI director to interfere in the democratic process during the final weeks, twice.

This sad overcompensation — like the emergency White House press briefing called Saturday night to lie about the size of of his inauguration crowd as the largest protests in U.S. history raged against the new president — isn’t an accident.

It’s an announcement: We don’t care how many Americans are against us.

Since Trump lost by the popular vote by the largest margin in a modern times, he’s done nothing to reach out to the majority of Americans who rejected him. His cabinet is made up entirely of doctrinaire, extremely right-wing Republicans, most of them filthy rich, nearly all white and male.

His inaugural address proclaimed a mandate for him to act as the voice of “the people,” though he’s the least popular president to take the office is the history of polling such things.


PREMO Member
..... largest protests in U.S. history ....


based on what ?

using one of the same 'counting' methods used for Trump's Inauguration the day before ....
Metro Ridership was 4 million Sat. - 2 million going in 2 million coming out

NOT 3.3 - 4.2


New Member
Donald Trump’s official presidential bio contains about a half-dozen attempts to convince someone — probably himself — that his win was a massive blowout and not a shameful, slight fluke only made possible by the intervention of a foreign government and a domestic conspiracy to get the FBI director to interfere in the democratic process during the final weeks, twice.

This sad overcompensation — like the emergency White House press briefing called Saturday night to lie about the size of of his inauguration crowd as the largest protests in U.S. history raged against the new president — isn’t an accident.

It’s an announcement: We don’t care how many Americans are against us.

Since Trump lost by the popular vote by the largest margin in a modern times, he’s done nothing to reach out to the majority of Americans who rejected him. His cabinet is made up entirely of doctrinaire, extremely right-wing Republicans, most of them filthy rich, nearly all white and male.

His inaugural address proclaimed a mandate for him to act as the voice of “the people,” though he’s the least popular president to take the office is the history of polling such things.

You really are no better than the right wing fools on this site.

There is nothing to show these were the "largest protests in US history". It was pretty neat to see, though. Here is a tracker of crowd sizes down by a couple of professors:

The marches did not depict "rage".

You don't seem to understand the word tyranny any better than the right wing fools.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

based on what ?

using one of the same 'counting' methods used for Trump's Inauguration the day before ....
Metro Ridership was 4 million Sat. - 2 million going in 2 million coming out

NOT 3.3 - 4.2

The guys on WMAL pointed out something else that is obvious - but I hadn't thought of.

It *was* a big crowd Saturday. I was a bit surprised also, but it's not the biggest crowd DC has ever seen for anything.
But because the crowds were regional, there was a good chance that it drew mostly from the DC metro area, an area not known for a large percentage of conservatives. The WMAL guys said, draw a 20 mile circle around DC and take a guess how many women are conservative or liberal.

Still, it was big, but I keep seeing really huge differences in the estimates.


New Member
since the 'popular vote' doesn't matter in this republic ....

It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part. Every Senator and Congressman wants to get re-elected. They are looking at the same election and current polling results everyone else is. Mr. Trump was elected by a distinct minority and his favorability ratings have only dropped since.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The marches did not depict "rage".

You don't seem to understand the word tyranny any better than the right wing fools.

Blowing up the White House. Hitler trading in a mustache for a toupee.

Yeah, I'm thinking the protesters also have a problem with it too.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part.

Less than you'd think.
"Getting things done" requires buy-in from elected representatives in the House and Senate.
It doesn't matter how you aggregate the votes outside of those races - if one Representative gets 51% of his district's vote and another gets 90% in his, the one with 90% doesn't get to "share" his votes with everyone else.

What matters is who the elected representatives are.

Man, the next few years are really going to suck for you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part. Every Senator and Congressman wants to get re-elected. They are looking at the same election and current polling results everyone else is. Mr. Trump was elected by a distinct minority and his favorability ratings have only dropped since.

Not with the tools Harry ried and Barack Obama bequeathed him.
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Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part. Every Senator and Congressman wants to get re-elected. They are looking at the same election and current polling results everyone else is. Mr. Trump was elected by a distinct minority and his favorability ratings have only dropped since.

Since he also won the higher percentage of states, including a few solid blue states, this is probably isn't true.


It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part. Every Senator and Congressman wants to get re-elected. They are looking at the same election and current polling results everyone else is. Mr. Trump was elected by a distinct minority and his favorability ratings have only dropped since.

...all while you ignore how our presidential elections really work. :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Since he also won the higher percentage of states, including a few solid blue states, this is probably isn't true.

She is trying to make the argument that if you don't have the majority of the American PEOPLE behind you, you won't get anything done.

At the height of the vote on Obamacare - it did NOT have the majority of the American PEOPLE behind it - but - it was passed anyway, because unfortunately what the people want doesn't have to square with what Congress and the White House are able to *pass*.

They knew this at the time, but somehow thought that people would like it once they got used to it.

When the multiple promises of Obamacare fell through - and crucial people kind of let it out that they knew they were duping people - it never gained any traction.

But - yeah, you can get stuff done even without buy-in from the public. Happens all the time.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm sure the Russian meddling and FBI disclosures had very little influence on the election. Both candidates were unpopular and also popular to nearly the same amount of people. Trump outworked Hillary in the states where it counted the most. Best to know the rules if you want to play the game.

Yesterday Aaron Rodgers, in his playoff game with the Falcons, led all rushers with 46 total yards gained. He gained 4 more yards than the next closest rusher. But his team still lost the game because while rushing yards is important, it doesn't factor in to which team wins the game.


PREMO Member
It does if you want to get anything done...but you don't really get that part.

NO, YOU Do Not Understand ....

.... all your rage over 'The Popular Vote' Means NOTHING ....

Presidents are elected by the Electoral College
if you want a leader elected by popular vote - move somewhere else, may France would be more to your liking

Frankly your girl H+ should have spent less time in NY and CA and more time in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin .....


Well-Known Member
Less than you'd think.
"Getting things done" requires buy-in from elected representatives in the House and Senate.
It doesn't matter how you aggregate the votes outside of those races - if one Representative gets 51% of his district's vote and another gets 90% in his, the one with 90% doesn't get to "share" his votes with everyone else.

What matters is who the elected representatives are.

Man, the next few years are really going to suck for you.

Well It was California and New York that made Hillary's majority.
Most of the States voted for Trump. I guess that means that the Democrat Senators and Reresentatives in those states need to start thinking why and voting accordingly if they want to return.


Well-Known Member
[...] you can get stuff done even without buy-in from the public. Happens all the time.

I'm pretty sure they have a name for bills that aren't in the public's best interest and have low public support. They call them bipartisan bills and they usually pass with flying colors.