The U.S. military is dumping the dumbest uniform ever


Ubi bene ibi patria
"They failed to reduce the number of uniforms sailors must maintain. Their threads put sailors at risk for worsening burn injuries by melting. And sailors said they were uncomfortable and that the only camouflage they offered was when someone fell overboard.

The blue-and-gray cammies originally intended to be the Navy's mainstay uniform are officially headed for Davy Jones' seabag, ending a decade of wrestling with a revolutionary uniform concept that failed to get its sea legs despite updates and hundreds of millions of dollars in investment.

The blue-and-gray Navy working uniform, known as the Type I, will be dumped effective Oct. 1, Navy officials announced Thursday, though wear will be phased out over three years. In its stead, the digital woodland pattern cammies, or NWU Type III, will become the standard shore duty uniform across the service. The NWU Type III is a tactical uniform that has a reputation for being more comfortable and officials also anticipate some cost-savings by switching to it."

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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Yahoo! I still have all of my woodlands green cammies from my reserve amphibious assault unit 1987 - 2001. They still fit, are very comfortable, just like my desert cammies from my Bahrain reserve days. Now I doubt that at 62, the Nav will want to recall me, but if they do, I'm already uniform'd up.......


Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to bell bottoms and chambray shirts.....oh wait that was a previous life.


I hated the dungarees. Looked like inmate uniforms.

When I first enlisted, we had the " Utility" uniforms. Now THEY looked like prison garb. I was happy when they changed to " dungarees" and even more so when the went back to the "cracker jack" style blues, vice the bus drivers jacket I was issued for dress blues.