The War


New Member
I watched the show this evening-thank God we've learned something!
Looking forward to the continuing series. :yay:


Set Trippin
BlackSheep said:
I watched the show this evening-thank God we've learned something!
Looking forward to the continuing series. :yay:
I Tivo'd it, flipped over tween that the football game...

:yay: :yay:


New Member
Fubar said:
I've decided to set aside time to watch this 7-part, 15 astonishing hrs-series. There is suppose to be an abundance of rarely seen battle footage.
Check it out if you can.......

I think the series is incredible. The 1st one comes on again at 2:00 today and I just happen to be home, alone! :larry: This time I am going to record it and all that follow.


New Member
I TIVO'ed it and just starting watching. Pretty amazing. The resolve of the people on the homefront and sacrifices of the corporations for the joint cause was startling. They said that Ford Motor Co only produced 138 cars during the entire course of the war because they were building planes and other war supplies. One B-29 rolled of the line ever 63 minutes. UNREAL! Where is that spirit of cooperation and sacrifice in our current war?

I think if we had to fight WWII starting from today, we would be whipped soundly in a matter of months. We've just turned into a nation of pussies.


Look my ass glows!
I TIVO'ed it and just starting watching. Pretty amazing. The resolve of the people on the homefront and sacrifices of the corporations for the joint cause was startling. They said that Ford Motor Co only produced 138 cars during the entire course of the war because they were building planes and other war supplies. One B-29 rolled of the line ever 63 minutes. UNREAL! Where is that spirit of cooperation and sacrifice in our current war?

I think if we had to fight WWII starting from today, we would be whipped soundly in a matter of months. We've just turned into a nation of pussies.

Say what?? :boxing::duel::spank::bonk::buttkick::smack:


Bookseller Lady
Really brings home how much more perilous fighting was back then compared to now.

Not that any war is exactly SAFE, but to think of the level of danger Allied pilots faced vs. now from their own aircraft and how many died just in training. The bit about the crews having orders to make out their wills before deployment really got me.

My daughter asked me why we fought that war. I tried explaining it as best I could.
Is it even possible to communicate to a 10-year-old what level of evil the world had to deal with in Hitler?