The Washington Redskins...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I know this thread will be, well, rather uncomfortable for some folks so, you may want to stop right here.

For everyone else, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For anyone who's been hooked on the Skins since Gibbs I, yesterday was a classic; 180 minutes of raised blood pressure, hyper tension, angina, skipped heartbeats, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. To many blowouts makes for dull football.

First order of business:

Bucs: Make your T times now and avoid the rush. You had NO business even being in the last game and Joe don't give to the same charity twice in the season season. Go ahead, bet on a kid, Simms, to have the game of his life twice.

Next up: Sleepless in Seattle.

This is all about Hasselback. We got too many injuries to stop both Alexander AND the passing game. Matt (Mark? Mike?) plays well, we're in trouble.

Cold, hard fact: We don't do well as a wild card or on the road in the playoffs.

So, after Ramsey comes off the bench to put away the Seahawks, it's off to Carolina for the NFC title game.

MMdad? If you'd help a bit....


BRAVES, on the warpath!





They call me ... Sarcasmo
Redskins are 5-0 as a wild card, 16-5 in December those sound like betting odds to me.


My Sweetest Boy
Larry, you really need to come hear my cockatiel. He's been a-singing all morning. Okay, well whistling, but he does a great job! Hail to the Redskins!!

I bleed burgundy and gold, but Gruden ..well..:hot: I especially love it when he talks dirty. And he really talks dirty when they're losing. :yay:


Iron City
cattitude said:
Larry, you really need to come hear my cockatiel. He's been a-singing all morning. Okay, well whistling, but he does a great job! Hail to the Redskins!!

I bleed burgundy and gold, but Gruden ..well..:hot: I especially love it when he talks dirty. And he really talks dirty when they're losing. :yay:
Redskins and Steelers in the Super Bowl...not gonna happen but nice to think of....


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...I know this thread will be, well, rather uncomfortable for some folks so, you may want to stop right here.

For everyone else, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For anyone who's been hooked on the Skins since Gibbs I, yesterday was a classic; 180 minutes of raised blood pressure, hyper tension, angina, skipped heartbeats, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. To many blowouts makes for dull football.

First order of business:

Bucs: Make your T times now and avoid the rush. You had NO business even being in the last game and Joe don't give to the same charity twice in the season season. Go ahead, bet on a kid, Simms, to have the game of his life twice.

Next up: Sleepless in Seattle.

This is all about Hasselback. We got too many injuries to stop both Alexander AND the passing game. Matt (Mark? Mike?) plays well, we're in trouble.

Cold, hard fact: We don't do well as a wild card or on the road in the playoffs.

So, after Ramsey comes off the bench to put away the Seahawks, it's off to Carolina for the NFC title game.

MMdad? If you'd help a bit....


BRAVES, on the warpath!




Since you asked me to help, here we go. I looked at your posts early in the season and saw that you had almost given up. Now you are on the badwagon. That's why you skins fans are so funny. They either suck or are superbowl bound. Nothing in between.

They had a good few weeks, then squeaked past a banged up, low quality team yesterday. They don't make it out of TB.


New Member
Momma Rugg nearly busted her girdle yellin at the TV. She still has her Riggins poster up on the porch, she loves the Redskins.


Sorry. Eagles fan. The Deadskins just got lucky yesterday and Mcmahon (and I probably spelled his name wrong) screwed up so much. As much as he messed up, he doesn't deserve to have his name mentioned. He was overthrowing on all his long passes. :banghead: So frustrating.


"Typical White Person"
MMDad said:
Since you asked me to help, here we go. I looked at your posts early in the season and saw that you had almost given up. Now you are on the badwagon. That's why you skins fans are so funny. They either suck or are superbowl bound. Nothing in between.

They had a good few weeks, then squeaked past a banged up, low quality team yesterday. They don't make it out of TB.

Do a little research on TB's season and you will find they did more squeaking by then the Redskin(US) to worse teams. Of their 11 wins until yesterday their total margin of victory was 12 pts. in 10 wins. In fact their win yesterday over the Saints was alot like the Redskins win over the Eagles. They struggled all game and and finally pulled away some at the end.

But why am I even typing this because as pointed out in the Deadskins thread I am sure that you have already posted similar stuff on Tampa Bay's board.


Asperger's Poster Child
mrweb said:
Redskins and Steelers in the Super Bowl...not gonna happen but nice to think of....
If that happens, what about Larry and Bruzilla doing a live pre-game chat on

Larry, what do you think caused the Redskins' midseason slump?


New Member
i am a skins fan and has been since 87. no matter how bad they were. i also supported my skins. i am just happy to see that they are back in the playoffs once again.
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Lem Putt
owensd said:
i am a skins fan and has been since 87. no matter how bad they were. i also supported my skins. i am just happy to see that they are back in the playoffs once again.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You are the reason I can make fun of deadskin fans! Is '87 when you finally turned 16 and could drop out of third grade? You are amazingly stupid.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

MMDad said:
Since you asked me to help, here we go. I looked at your posts early in the season and saw that you had almost given up. Now you are on the badwagon. That's why you skins fans are so funny. They either suck or are superbowl bound. Nothing in between.

They had a good few weeks, then squeaked past a banged up, low quality team yesterday. They don't make it out of TB.

...point out where I'd 'almost' given up.

I did point out, many times, our weaknesses and I still don't like Brunell but he's our guy.

I'll wait.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The 'slump'....

Tonio said:
If that happens, what about Larry and Bruzilla doing a live pre-game chat on

Larry, what do you think caused the Redskins' midseason slump?

...was reality in the NFL.

We had no business winning yesterday, nor in Dallas earlier this year nor over the Seahawks, teams that out played us.

On the other hand we had no business losing to the Chiefs, Broncos and Bucs, teams we out played.

But, all the games are 60 minutes and none are decided by the line.

It's why they play and we watch.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...point out where I'd 'almost' given up.

I did point out, many times, our weaknesses and I still don't like Brunell but he's our guy.

I'll wait.

You just showed your frustration. It's too much fun spinning you up. I love talking trash, but I actually wish the deadskins well. I respect Gibbs, and most of the team are decent people, unlike teams like the Iggles or Vikings. However, I really don't think the skins are Superbowl material. You were right about Brunnel, but Ramsey is not an improvement. You can make the playoffs without a QB, but you won't make it much further.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Frustration is a long way from... up.

Frustration is a by product of not giving in when things are going poorly.

Every time Brunell had a bad game I was on his ass and every time he played solid or great I posted that too. If you precieve giving up from passion you have no idea what it is like to be a real fan (fanantic) and certainly not to be a Redskins fan.

Being a real Skins fan is part of who you are, not something you do when things are going well.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said: up.

Frustration is a by product of not giving in when things are going poorly.

Every time Brunell had a bad game I was on his ass and every time he played solid or great I posted that too. If you precieve giving up from passion you have no idea what it is like to be a real fan (fanantic) and certainly not to be a Redskins fan.

Being a real Skins fan is part of who you are, not something you do when things are going well.

:yay: on the siggie..:lmao: