The Weekly Spleen...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I missed this latest disaster by virtue of hanging out in NYC with Davey Jones. I'm not sure they show the Redskins in the city even if it's the Super Bowl and Davey's kind of football is round.

So, we started off with a pic 6, Portis fumbles twice but the O line is pushing people around in the first half and we run only 8 times in the second half, almost the entire half with the lead. ???

Sellers is hurt on a cheap shot, goes right back in to get revenge and gets called for a hold which hurt field position, Thrash is out.

The offense scored 6 points. Against the Raiders.

Another bad call on a goal line fumble I hear, Lamont Jordan? Apparently Coach heard back from last week and they aren't going to over turn it, surprise, but Joe will be diligently sending them more video this week, as, apparently, NFL headquarters doesn't have any or just don't watch the games.

Anyone care to comment on the game? Man of the Year Otter (for taking a brotha to his first ever big time event) was there and already weighed in.

From what I read, Gibbs was trying to get Brunnels confidence back by throwing so much in the second half. That's my guess because the paper says we were dominant on the ground.

I watched a rather enjoyable Giants game from a pub called the Pig and Whistle and then we moved to Heartland Brewery to get us some pumpkin ale. That youngster Eli gets better and better every week, don't he? Why, his coach, you may have heard of him, Tom Coughlin, said after the game that every single play matters to a youngster because he is building up a subconcious library that only catches up to the conscious if you PLAY.

Random MEANINGLESS points:

Eli starts under Coach Tom over last two seasons: 17
Annonymous 'other' QB and starts under current coaching staff over last two seasons: 8

2004 starts and ranking:
Eli: 7, 55
Mr. A (let's call him..."Pat" just for the hell of it): 7, 74.8

Yep, 'ol Young Eli, the more he plays, the better 'er and better'er he gets.

Passer rating of quarterback..."B"...over the last four weeks: 66

Gus Frerrote: 66

Next opponent: The San Diego Chargers.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about that myself. The 1st half, the O-line was pushing Sapp and T. Washington around like they weren't there. So what does Gibbs do in the 2nd half. Leave the running game calls in the locker room.

But I have a theory. Gibbs thought he was wearing the #20 car's headset and kept yelling: "Pass 'em! Pass!!!" What do you think Larry?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I didn't say that!!!!

donbarzini said:
I was wondering about that myself. The 1st half, the O-line was pushing Sapp and T. Washington around like they weren't there. So what does Gibbs do in the 2nd half. Leave the running game calls in the locker room.

But I have a theory. Gibbs thought he was wearing the #20 car's headset and kept yelling: "Pass 'em! Pass!!!" What do you think Larry?

...for anyone who cares, Coach's 'other' team just won the nextel thing or whatever the hell for the race car season.

It would explain why we seem to be running in circles...