The WEF bot: Rishi Sunak becomes latest automaton for the anti-human agenda


PREMO Member
Today is a truly “historic” day for the United Kingdom. However, once you get past his outer layer, newly enshrined British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is nothing more than the latest version of a WEF-designed (World Economic Forum) prime minister robot.

He is the same version as Justin Trudeau, but programmed with different talking points. This “conservative” politician, whose agenda seeks the same endgame as his liberal opponents, promotes the globalist Malthusian ideals currently inundating the anglosphere and the greater Western world.

He’s well spoken, well educated, and he checks the “historic” box not because of any ideas he may have, but purely because of his ethnic background. Most importantly, Rishi Sunak does not appear to possess a single independent thought. Nobody outside of his inner circle knows what he actually believes. Rishi Sunak follows the script.

Unfortunately, the science of robotics remains imperfect, and Sunak sometimes has his malfunctions. In his speech today accepting a seeming dictatorial coronation, he appeared to be glitching.
