The Wiz...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...played a very entertaining game last night.

Gil Arenas is definitely an all star.

Refs still entertain with their playoff interpretations of the rules.

LeBron is no more than another Vince Carter at this point.

And Drew Gooden looked a damn sight better last night than when the Terps took him and his Jayhawk buddies apart in the NCAA's a few years ago.

Jared Jeffries is a hell of a defender.

Larry Hughes is NOT missed.

If Brendan Haywood every gets aggressive and stays that way, they could go a ways in the playoffs.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...played a very entertaining game last night.

Gil Arenas is definitely an all star.

Refs still entertain with their playoff interpretations of the rules.

LeBron is no more than another Vince Carter at this point.

And Drew Gooden looked a damn sight better last night than when the Terps took him and his Jayhawk buddies apart in the NCAA's a few years ago.

Jared Jeffries is a hell of a defender.

Larry Hughes is NOT missed.

If Brendan Haywood every gets aggressive and stays that way, they could go a ways in the playoffs.

Agree with all except the LeBron statement, he's the real deal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You really think so?

otter said:
Agree with all except the LeBron statement, he's the real deal.

...he had 10 really weak turnovers, got intimidated on the Haywood foul, did the faux tough guy scowl most of the game and, well, just didn't show me that Jordan/Bird/Magic fire to compete.

Of course, I haven't been keeping up with his season hardly at all. I just remember those other guys young years as being just as aggressive as hell.

You think alot of him?


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
.You think alot of him?

Yeah, have watched him 5 or 6 times over this season and about the same last season. Last night was an aberration, by far the worst game I've seen him play. Key to my thinking he's great is that he makes average players better..Getting Hughes there was a great move for Cleveland..They have the nucleus of something good happening there...Got to catch my bus...