The Wizards and the first pick...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...and John Wall.

I find it laughable how many people, including Wilbon, think John Wall is the no doubt pick.

This is simply laughable. What's the goal, to be good, makes some playoffs, maybe even a conference final or two or to win a championship?

Every single team in American pro sports that has never won it's league championship is an also ran, a foot note.

Every single team that won it all, no matter how long ago, is a member of the elite fraternity that was, at least for a time, the best that sport had to offer.

To put it shortly, you do NOT win NBA titles with great #1 pick point guards unless his name is Magic Johnson. End of story. Not Stockton. Not Nash. Not Arenas. Not Iverson. Thomas was second.

Quick; Who played point for Jordan? Kobe? Bird? The Spurs? The Pistons in
'04? The Kobe/Shaq Lakers?

Who are the big players today, who is winning or on the threshold? Kobe. Durrant. James. Wade. I'd add Pierce to that. Maybe Howard.

I don't know who to pick. I just think a point is not where you go with #1.


Football addict
This isn't a 1a 1b deal whereby the number one pick is worthy of multiple options.

This has been decided for months. Wall would be going to the team who secured the number one pick. I don't think there's much debate, which is why in the headlines...there's not much debate.:lol: