The woman who desperately wants to be paraplegic


Lawful neutral
Woman in wheelchair pretends to be paralysed: Chloe Jennings-White desperates wants to be paraplegic - Mirror Online

For most people, being told they need a wheelchair would be their worst nightmare.

But for Chloe Jennings-White, it was a dream come true.

The 57-year-old suffers with a rare condition called Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a rare psychological complaint which means she desperately wants to be paraplegic – paralysed below the waist.

So when she was finally diagnosed in 2008, and doctors suggested she tried using a wheelchair to control her urges to damage her own spine, she was more than happy to give it a try.

Now Chloe, a research scientist in psychiatry, chooses to live her life on four wheels, pretending to be paralysed.

“Being able to use a wheelchair is a massive relief, and the closest I will probably ever come to being paraplegic,” says Chloe.


Throwing the deuces
She was on some show on TV a while back. She will use the wheelchair when she wants and walks around normally when she doesn't want to use the chair. Very strange.


The 57-year-old suffers with a rare condition called Body Integrity Identity Disorder, a rare psychological complaint which means she desperately wants to be paraplegic – paralysed below the waist.

This is not the most insane goddam thing I've ever heard of.
But it certainly is in the top 5 of the month.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She is an insulting ####### attention whore and I do not find her insanity interesting in the slightest.


[arg:2 undefined]?

Looks like a script/program exception message. A parameter that shouldn't be null is null, or its expecting a numeric value and gets an Epsilon/Infinity value.

It says here you "liked" my post twice... I'm guessing its related to that.