The World According To The Left


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The World According To The Left (<--Linky)

Written by Alan Burkhart
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Is it just me, or does the Democrat Party live in an alternate universe? Let me see if I understand all this correctly.

First, terrorism does not represent a significant threat to America even though since the 1990’s we’ve seen thousands of Americans killed by terrorists. The Patriot Act is evil because it might violate someone’s civil liberties if it was abused. And, American soldiers in Iraq are terrorizing young children by breaking down their doors and dragging their daddies away in the middle of the night.

“The People” want the troops to come home right-now-this-very-instant even though virtually every poll outside of the ones taken by the Democratic Underground show national security and the war on terror to be high priorities.

In spite of successful elections, increased cooperation by the citizens, a growing economy and a mostly-rebuilt infrastructure, we still have no chance of success in Iraq. And our president has violated the law by monitoring telephone conversations and e-mail messages between suspected terrorist operatives here and abroad.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SAHRAB, when posting a news article, please just excerpt and link to the whole article. Keeps us out of trouble with the copyright folks.



This is fun right?
vraiblonde said:
SAHRAB, when posting a news article, please just excerpt and link to the whole article. Keeps us out of trouble with the copyright folks.


Ooops ok dokie