The World Has Gone Crazy


PREMO Member
That Schumer/Manchin “tax and pay off liberal donors” bill contains a provision to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. You hear a lot of people talking about that, and it’s horrible. But I have to point out a couple of things about it. First, if they are ever hired they would target the middle class. On an individual basis, the rich have more cash individually, but there are so many more people in the middle class that the IRS has to come after us to get any amount of money. So, when Democrats talk about this being about getting the rich to “pay their fair share,” they are lying.

Second, there aren’t 87,000 people in the country qualified for the job just sitting around knitting, waiting for the manager to call the bullpen to get them in the game. They will hire as many people as they can find because Democrats love the IRS, but this provision is an accounting gimmick. They can claim these new agents will “find” something like $200 billion in uncollected taxes (I’m making up the number, it’s the concept that matters). That $200 billion, or whatever they say they’ll get, is then spent in the bill itself.

That money will be spent no matter what, but there’s no way it will actually be collected because the potential agents don’t exist (nor does the fraud on that scale). On paper, however, it all balances. If they did this in the private sector they’d all go to prison for fraud. Since they are government, they can commit this kind of fraud anytime they want without consequence, at least to them. This is inflationary and what Joe Manchin is supporting while claiming it will lower inflation.

So don’t live in fear of 87,000 IRS agents coming to get you, live in fear of a government able to lie so freely, without concern of being caught, about spend even more money they’ll print at a time of massive inflation. And never forget the Democrats doing it, and the media happily going along with it. They’re doing more damage to the country than a million IRS agents could ever do.



Well-Known Member
We are being lied to of course. Once they are done going after their rich, they will look around to see who's next. Got to justify their jobs.


Well-Known Member
Is the world going crazy? I don't know, but the Democrats in power are.

Look at the President. Look at the VP, Look at Nancy Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Warren, AOC, Schumer the list isn't endless , but it does include almost every Democrat in Congress.

They come up with these insane ideas like leaving $81 Billion dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan, Pelosi flying to Taiwan to piss off the Chinese, 87,000 IRS hires, destroy our energy independence. , 2 failed impeachments , and the Jan 6th Committee.


Well-Known Member
I would have to assume an IRS agent that performs audits would be some form of forensic accountant, but even if only a basic accountant that means they would make much less working for the IRS than for the private sector. I haven't heard about heaps of unemployed accountants looking for work who would be willing to accept these jobs. They aren't running up to my truck when I pull in front of H&R Block.

While it's true the government pays employees more on average than private industry, it's almost entirely due to the contracting out of less desirable blue collar work. Almost across the board they pay considerably less for white collar workers than those workers could get elsewhere.