Lawful neutral
It seems that every few years, there are end-of-the-world predictions that fail to materialize, much to the embarrassment of the false seers who spread and promote them.
Y2K, the Mayan Apocalypse and the Harold Camping predictions are just some of the more recent failed doomsday prophecies that have littered the pages of human history.
However, there is a growing sentiment among eschatologists, biblical scholars and even some secular groups that the world is in for a significant and potentially catastrophic change on or around September 23, 2015.
The September 2015 prediction has gained traction in recent years, thanks in part to the Blood Moon Tetrad which is set to complete its cycle on September 28, 2015.
In addition, there have been other startling indications that many individuals and groups in positions of power have been well aware of what is to come for quite some time.
The exact specifics are not fully known, but there appears to be a consensus that multiple, world-changing events (natural, man-made and spiritual) will take place in rapid succession both before, during and after the September 23rd date.
For many faithful Christian believers, there is speculation that God’s wrath and judgement will begin to pour out onto the earth, ushering in many of the end times prophecies foretold in Daniel, Revelation and other prophetic books of the Bible.