The world we've created....




Woman Ticketed for Sitting on a Playground Bench with No Kids

The Rivington Playground on Manhattan's East Side has a small sign at the entrance that says adults are prohibited unless they are accompanied by a child.

Forty-seven-year-old Sandra Catena says she didn't see the sign when she sat down to wait for an arts festival to start. Two New York City police officers asked her if she was with a child. When she said no, they gave her a ticket that could bring a one thousand dollar fine and 90 days in jail.

Sad world when laws have to be made to keep out child sex offenders.





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Not dead yet.
Geez, Kizzy, thanks for cheering us up :rolleyes:

The thing I hate most about that Elian Gonzalez picture is that it happened on Easter morning. Ol' Slick Willy just HAD to have that kid out then, didn't he? Couldn't wait just one more day. I was awful no matter when it happened but he could have had one more holiday with his family here before he was ripped from their arms and shipped off to Cuba for indoctrination.


That is why I avoid the news. :lol:

I could go on? :shrug: I got side tracked.


Md. Schools Extend Junk Food Ban

According to a report presented Tuesday to the Maryland State Board of Education, 17 of Maryland's 24 school systems have extended their ban on junk food sales to the entire school day.

That's great - eat junk at the end of the day - that outta keep America from getting fat. :yay:


Ok... this you have to laugh at... stupid criminals..

Bank Robber Leaves Getaway Car Near K9s

Police said the 42-year-old man, who was not identified, had robbed a bank Tuesday and made off with a small amount of cash. He abandoned the car in the nearby town of Jonsered and took off running, apparently unaware that he had parked near the police dog compound.


The very 1st Shim or is it SheHe bomber

BAGHDAD, Iraq — A woman strapped with explosives and disguised as a man blew herself up outside an Iraqi army recruiting center in a northern town Wednesday, killing at least six people and wounding 30 in the first known attack by a female suicide bomber in the country's bloody insurgency.


# City Officials Who Know How to Make News of the Weird: Mayor Felipe Santolia of Espertantina, Brazil, declared last May 9 as "Orgasm Day," pointing out that orgasms seem to make people happier and more productive. And Mayor Gabor Mitynan of a municipal district in Budapest, Hungary, declared in August that female workers should not wear revealing skirts to work unless they have "completely perfect legs," nor crop tops unless they have "well-trained bellies." [ABC News-AP, 5-9-05] [Reuters, 8-26-05]



nowhere near you
gumby said:
# City Officials Who Know How to Make News of the Weird: Mayor Felipe Santolia of Espertantina, Brazil, declared last May 9 as "Orgasm Day," pointing out that orgasms seem to make people happier and more productive.
shouldn't this be a weekly holiday?? :lmao:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
gumby said:
And Mayor Gabor Mitynan of a municipal district in Budapest, Hungary, declared in August that female workers should not wear revealing crop tops unless they have "well-trained bellies." [ABC News-AP, 5-9-05] [Reuters, 8-26-05]

This NEEDS to be a law around here. There's nothing like going out, anywhere, and seeing anybody (especially teen girls) wearing crop tops with a spare tire that could fit an H1 leaking out. :dead: