The WWII Jerrycan


Ubi bene ibi patria
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"More often than not, the best products in life are overlooked. The IKEA blue bag, the Bic lighter, the Rubik’s cube, the frozen pizza. Industrial designers and engineers spent countless hours dialing in these products, ensuring they’re absolutely perfect. They’re basically so perfect that they blend seamlessly into our lives, almost invisibly serving their intended functions. Like many ingenious designs throughout history, many came from wartime efforts, when worldwide resources were limited and successful design execution was of critical importance.

Let’s look at one of these truly important historic carry products, the Jerrycan. Originally called “Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister” (German for “armed forces unit canister”) it was developed in Germany in the 1930′s for military use. Wars are won and lost with resources. One of the most important resources being fuel. That fuel must be efficiently stored and transported to aide the soldiers and war machines on the front lines. No fuel and the tanks don’t roll. No tanks and the war is lost.


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Long Haired Country Boy
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"More often than not, the best products in life are overlooked. The IKEA blue bag, the Bic lighter, the Rubik’s cube, the frozen pizza. Industrial designers and engineers spent countless hours dialing in these products, ensuring they’re absolutely perfect. They’re basically so perfect that they blend seamlessly into our lives, almost invisibly serving their intended functions. Like many ingenious designs throughout history, many came from wartime efforts, when worldwide resources were limited and successful design execution was of critical importance.

Let’s look at one of these truly important historic carry products, the Jerrycan. Originally called “Wehrmacht-Einheitskanister” (German for “armed forces unit canister”) it was developed in Germany in the 1930′s for military use. Wars are won and lost with resources. One of the most important resources being fuel. That fuel must be efficiently stored and transported to aide the soldiers and war machines on the front lines. No fuel and the tanks don’t roll. No tanks and the war is lost.

Hail the Fatherland!


Frozen pizza one of the best products in life?

I have heard that Spam helped win the war for the allies.


Well-Known Member
Frozen pizza one of the best products in life?

I have heard that Spam helped win the war for the allies.

Never had Spam. Father said he ate enough of that crap during the war while in the navy that he swore that it would never be in his house.


Ubi bene ibi patria
Now Jackson had his acorns

And Grant his precious rye;

Teddy had his poisoned beef—

Worse you couldn’t buy.

The doughboy had his hardtack

Without the navy’s jam,

But armies on their stomachs move—

And this one moves on Spam.

(Author unknown)


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The boy ate his Happy Meals
For boy or girl, didn't matter;
It sits alone in basement dark,
And cuts and pastes it's blather.

(Author - b23hqb)


Well-Known Member
Frozen pizza one of the best products in life?

I have heard that Spam helped win the war for the allies.

I like Spam, but the price has gone out of sight.

I can buy a canned ham for less. Why eat the scrapings when you can eat the ham?

Spam is basically the trash scraped off the bone and other amazing hog trash cooked together and pressed into a slab.
It should be cheap, but it isn't.