Theivery Corporation


New Member
Great show. There were no opening acts so the band took the stage around 9-ish. The last time I saw them it was just the dynamic duo on the wheels of steel but last night they had a full band featuring two percussionists, a trumpeter and a saxamaphonist, a bass player, a dude on guitars and sitars, the boys in the back manning the electronics, and a myriad of vocalists. There were four different female vocalists and five different male vocalists (although I am pretty sure one of the five was the drummer) My favorite vocalists were the chick from Iran and the dude from Columbia (I think it was Columbia). Amazingly enough, they only nut rode O'bama twice, and only for a few seconds each time. And at one point one of the Rude Boys was asking the crowd if we needed a bailout. The crowd seemed pretty perplexed by all of this, it was roundly met with muttering, but I booed loudly. They played a pretty long set then did about a four song encore. They came out for a second encore but a good 60% of the crowd bailed after the first so they did only one additional song and left the stage shortly before midnight.

They are playing for the next three nights, all sold out, but it would totally be worth paying scalper prices to catch them at this venue. The sound was really good last night. Also, they gave a shout out to Calvert County because the saxamaphonist was from there and when they said his name it was a dude my friend had graduated with, lols.
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New Member
Saw them again last night. Fantastic performance. Some bad cell phone pics.


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New Member
The funniest moment was when they played this song that had a really deep bass note repeated throughout. The bass was up really high anyway, but when they played this one song everyone literally had a physical reaction to it, it's like we all recoiled at once and you could hear an audible "WHOA!" from the crowd. It made my balls hurt a little.