Theo Theo 11 Straight


Well-Known Member
Yes, 40+ saves. He wasn't good...he was great!

I was thinking as many others were that he would proably be traded before the deadline. He is not going anywhere Caps cant afford to get rid of him now, espiecally since its taking Varly so long to get healthy. I think when Varly comes back unless Theo gets hurt or has several bad games Varly is going to be the backup. Theo has been the one keeping this streak going, on nights when the Caps have come out and not played well, like the first period tonight he has kept them in the game till the rest of the team wakes up.

Im liking the way the Caps, have come into the 3rd period in close games, and then bam, bam 2 or 3 quick goals, it just takes the other team out of the game, like tonight Boston looked down after those 2 goals.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Note of caution; absent some spectacular saves, this is a different game. I'd just hope the team is being objective about their defense.


Man of Tomorrow
Note of caution; absent some spectacular saves, this is a different game. I'd just hope the team is being objective about their defense.

Sometimes you need your goalie to steal one, especially in the post-season. Theodore is showing that he has that capability. Everyone keeps on harping about the defense, but over the 11 game win streak, they've averaged just over 2 goals allowed a game, while scoring nearly 5 a game...I'm not really sure what more you could really ask for? The fact is they're never going to be the Devils. They are who they are, but when you actually look at the stats, their defense has been pretty d#mn good this year.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm not a hockey guy but I watched the TB game last sunday and was impressed with the absence of panic the Caps showed after TB tied it up. Now, if other local sports teams could show that kind of CONFIDENCE, that'd be nice.


Well-Known Member
Backstrom, IMO, is the most valuable Cap. Him playing well is the key to how far they go in the playoffs.

He's unsigned for next year. But I cant see him going anywhere else. He will get a nice big paycheck next year.

They have Ovie, Greenie and Semin all signed I cant see them letting Nick go.

They will play tomorrow night, Atlanta flies in this afternoon around 3pm :whistle: so they will be in town. Now Sundays game I got a bad feeling is not going to happen, the Pens are suppose to fly in Saturday evening from Montreal and if it snows like thay are saying the airports will be shut down.
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