There are so many things wrong here..


This Space for Rent
I don't know where to begin.

People gone bonkers

1) Ok, the guy definitely crossed the line with a 6 year old. 6 years old tend to be very concrete and not understand humor. However, this is blown way out of proportion, but it won't stay that way long because the little girl wasn't black, so it doesn't matter apparently (haha)

2) So, the NAACP was upset? Were they still that upset when they were cancelled for the rally by Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally to come to that rally because, "Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?", and it turned out she was white. So now these civil right groups could care less. They were so impassioned about a little girl and her plight, until it was found out she was white. Hi! This is irony on the phone! Do you have a clue?

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Originally posted by FromTexas
I don't know where to begin.

People gone bonkers

1) Ok, the guy definitely crossed the line with a 6 year old. 6 years old tend to be very concrete and not understand humor. However, this is blown way out of proportion, but it won't stay that way long because the little girl wasn't black, so it doesn't matter apparently (haha)

2) So, the NAACP was upset? Were they still that upset when they were cancelled for the rally by Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally to come to that rally because, "Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?", and it turned out she was white. So now these civil right groups could care less. They were so impassioned about a little girl and her plight, until it was found out she was white. Hi! This is irony on the phone! Do you have a clue?

The African American leaders of the community got bit in the @ss by their own stereotype. They look as stupid as Riordan does.