There's a new T.O. in Football


New Member
No longer can I call Terrell Owens T.O.

The new T.O. is... :drumroll:

...Joe "time out-T.O." Gibbs

I, like I'm sure 100% of you reading this thread, have never played football for the NFL. But I know that you cannot call two consecutive time-outs. Even my wife who only watches the Pittsburgh games ever now and again, knows that you cannot call time outs back-to-back.

I mean come on, how does a head coach who has been in the NFL since before dirt was invented not know that!!!

I may not be a die hard Redskins fan, but for Joe Gibbs to stuff his head up his A$$:smack:, that was the worst time in his career he could do that. The 'skins needed that win, more then they needed any other win this season.

My guess is that the skins finish 7-9.:otter: without any hope for a playoff "gift".

It's pretty rare when you can look at an entire 60-minute game and see where one call the coach made blows the game. I really hoped the skins would have found a way to win that game.


New Member
No longer can I call Terrell Owens T.O.

The new T.O. is... :drumroll:

...Joe "time out-T.O." Gibbs

I, like I'm sure 100% of you reading this thread, have never played football for the NFL. But I know that you cannot call two consecutive time-outs. Even my wife who only watches the Pittsburgh games ever now and again, knows that you cannot call time outs back-to-back.

I mean come on, how does a head coach who has been in the NFL since before dirt was invented not know that!!!

I may not be a die hard Redskins fan, but for Joe Gibbs to stuff his head up his A$$:smack:, that was the worst time in his career he could do that. The 'skins needed that win, more then they needed any other win this season.

My guess is that the skins finish 7-9.:otter: without any hope for a playoff "gift".

It's pretty rare when you can look at an entire 60-minute game and see where one call the coach made blows the game. I really hoped the skins would have found a way to win that game.

I dont think that one call blew the game. Dont forget that kicker did nail the first kick right down the middle after the first TO.


New Member
Believe me, I'm no Joe Gibbs apologist. However, the rule is relatively new. It was passed during the season in 2004. Prior to that, if you tried to call consecutive time-outs, the refs would just ignore you. It happened to the Cowboys in Super Bowl V against the Colts when they were trying to ice Jim O'Brien. That didn't work out so well, either.


We all know Joe knows better. Hell I'm just a fan and I know better.

Just maybe he felt bad for that punk ass desperation move he pulled.
Just maybe he thought to himself I don't want to win like this.

This seems to be popular with other Punk ass coach's... have the ref stand right next to you then time the snap with a T.O. call.

Personally I believe Coach Gibbs had more class than to stoop to crap like that. So I'd like to believe he bit the bullet with a bonehead call to redeem his and the Redskins pride.


New Member
I lol'd with glee when it happened.

My fiance doesn't even watch football, but she was with me when I was watching the game.

She immediately turned to me and said:

"You can't do that, right? You can't call consecutive to's like that, right?"

The downward spiral is continuing at a rapid pace... I love it.

Plan B

New Member
We all know Joe knows better. ..Just maybe he felt bad for that punk ass desperation move he pulled.
Just maybe he thought to himself I don't want to win like this.
This seems to be popular with other Punk ass coach's... have the ref stand right next to you then time the snap with a T.O. call.
Personally I believe Coach Gibbs had more class than to stoop to crap like that. ...

Icing a kicker is the punkest move in FB.:otter:


I know nothing
I don't remember hearing crying about it in the 70's though... It's been a part of the game since I was a child (at least as far back as I remember)

There is one thing about Iceing the kicker before the snap. But calling a t.o. while the ball is being snapped and kicked is cheap! And its done a lot more now than it was done in the 70's


Football addict
There is one thing about Iceing the kicker before the snap. But calling a t.o. while the ball is being snapped and kicked is cheap! And its done a lot more now than it was done in the 70's
Sad thing is that Gibbs hadn't "iced" a kicker all year long. He got desperate...and then very desperate.


New Member
There is one thing about Iceing the kicker before the snap. But calling a t.o. while the ball is being snapped and kicked is cheap! And its done a lot more now than it was done in the 70's

You said it before I got a chance to say it... I remember everyone always burns a TO before the final FG snap. But I mean long before the snap. This garbage of trying to get off a TO the split second before the snap is crap. What does that actually accomplish?


Set Trippin
You said it before I got a chance to say it... I remember everyone always burns a TO before the final FG snap. But I mean long before the snap. This garbage of trying to get off a TO the split second before the snap is crap. What does that actually accomplish?
Ask Mike Shanahan...:lmao:


Active Member
Well now the ravens coach can join the time out club. What an idiotic move! That cost them their game too!:doh:


Well-Known Member
I think it's a conspiracy. If you watch a replay of the game, isn't that Chris Webber whispering in Gibbs' ear?:pete: