These guys are so clueless


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Friday morning, less than 24 hours after she died in a Florida hotel room, the Drudge Report — our media culture's digital arbiter of all things tacky and prurient — had 12 items posted on the onetime topless dancer. That would account for some of the media frenzy surrounding her death.
Nevermind that Drudge only links to other sources, which would mean that those sources had the story posted before Drudge.



Lovin' being Texican

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:

Nevermind that Drudge only links to other sources, which would mean that those sources had the story posted before Drudge.


...that's what I love about the left; free speachers and individual rights for everyone; until their oxen get gored. Then, DRUDGE or Limbaugh or Hannity or Newt or Rove or anyone who has a forum to speak and take issue, to make a point or even freakin link to other peoples stories are suddenly these evil minded people telling everyone what and how to think.

Ah, for the good old days when the big three networks, the major papers and the House of Rep were owned and operate, lock, stock and barrel by one side. Life was so much easier when the only questions you had to answer were from your side.