They’re Eating The Cats” ....

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
...Allowed Donald Trump To Win Springfield For the First Time.

Seems the folks in Springfield just loved their missing

"Whether the allegations were true or not was the subject to much debate. The Democrats and even the Republican Mayor of Springfield said there was no evidence, but residents had raised concerns about “pretty horrid” incidents involving pets and migrants six months before it became a national story. Regardless, the allegations drew attention to countless other issues that Haitian migrants brought to Springfield.'

Gabe Guidarini


But I was reliably told by the media and left wing pundits that Trump’s comments would have a negative effect there! Guess not.



R.I.P. My Brother Rick
Who could ever eat a dog? Oh, that's right.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The only people who love these criminal illegals and savage third worlders are Democrat politicians.

Also I noticed that the sample ballot had a Spanish translation on it. Yeah, that sht needs to stop immediately. If you can't speak our language, you can't vote in our elections.

Sounds like Trump is going scorched earth and if I thought there was a deity I'd pray for his safety because the Soros brigade are not going to take this lying down.