They DAREd me, so I HAD to..


I bowl overhand
Don't normally post about snack foods, but saw the "DARE" slim jim on the shelf today, and it was taunting me..


Bite into it and SNAP... tastes like a Slim Jim.. then the fire slowly builds in the back of your mouth.. each chew getting hotter and hotter..

I've been eating this Slim Jim now for about 2.5 hours.. Take a bite, take drink.. simmer for 10 - 15 minutes while the palate cools off..

No false advertising here!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't normally post about snack foods, but saw the "DARE" slim jim on the shelf today, and it was taunting me..


Bite into it and SNAP... tastes like a Slim Jim.. then the fire slowly builds in the back of your mouth.. each chew getting hotter and hotter..

I've been eating this Slim Jim now for about 2.5 hours.. Take a bite, take drink.. simmer for 10 - 15 minutes while the palate cools off..

No false advertising here!

Gee. Sounds like a blast. A real...treat.