Yes: I googled this and there are several stories on it from a lot of sources.
They all say basically the same thing U.S launches strikes against Syria and Iraq .
They also state that these attacks were Iranian backed. They quote that. They point it out.
Now me? I am an idiot, but if the Country that is supplying the weapons and backing the attacks, and the country that is destabilizing the whole Middle East and causing all of this death and destruction. Instigating it, and has been doing so for years, and is trying to build a nuclear weapon and already has ICBM's .Why in the name of all that is good are we attacking it's pawns . Attacking the countries stupid enough to do it's bidding, but we don't attack the source of the problem.
But we send them Billions of Dollars to build their nuke, their ICBM's to further their terrorist ways and get the Middle East into a war footing.
WTF is going on? WHY are we not attacking the problem at it's source.
And what kind of fool would vote for this moron and his mentor and architect of his Administration Barrack Hussein Obama.