They're coming for your abortions

black dog

Free America
Not worthy of comment, try to do better next time.



God bless the USA
As a point of my religion - absolutely not. A life is a life is a life.

As a point of what I think the LAW should allow - absolutely yes. From a secular point of view, you can only hold people responsible for the actions they take. I do not hold victims of rape responsible for the action of getting pregnant, so aborting that baby would be a form of physical and emotionally-traumatic self-defense. That is what separates it out from the act of willingly placing the child there.

I liken it, often, to driving and insurance. I do not want to get into an accident, and I certainly have a license, experience, and cautious driving (metaphoric condoms, the pill, etc.) to help stop me from getting into an accident. But, hey, accidents happen. The only way to ensure you never get into a car accident is to never be in a car. Similarly, the only way to ensure you don't become pregnant is to never have sex. That's not someone one can legislate. But, if I cause a car accident, I do not get to kill the other people involved because facing the consequences of my actions that caused the accident are inconvenient to me. I also do not get to kill a fetus because its existence - that I directly caused - is inconvenient to me.

Rape takes out the responsibility for causing the fetus. Therefore, rape (in all its forms) should by law be handled differently.

Now, Guttmacher (a very pro-abortion group) studied the statements of people getting abortions and their reasons. Less than 0.5% of the abortions had a primary reason of rape/incest as a driving factor.

Interesting points and Guttmacher info. Thanks.