Larry Gude
Strung Out believe we have no business being in Iraq...
1. That Saddam Hussein was not a threat to our national security and would not be in the near and forseable future.
That's it.
The Iraqi War Resolution states CLEARLY for anyone who cares to see and know what every Senator and every member of the House based their vote on: Hussein WAS a threat, IS a threat and would continue to be so in the future, time being the only matter. NO!?
Will anyone honestly be surprised as more and more evidence builds that Hussein (GASP!) was working quietly to do us harm?
Will anyone honestly be surprised if WMD information builds and builds in terms of Iraqi dissemination to known terror groups?
Will anyone be surprised if we are attacked again, say a subway or other vulnerable target, and that some bio bug is used and that as the investigation unfolds, it turns out Iraq helped over the last decade in some tangible form?
Will anyone be surprised when (not if) more and more facts are uncovered about Iraqi WMD programs and finding actual weapons?
I just don't get it. The leading contenders, including those who know better, for the Democratic nomination for President basically act like we are attacking Mother Theresa.
What is in it for them to take so precarious and reality defying a position?
Are these people all secretly working for Karl Rove?
The great dope, Wes Clark, has recently found this seething fake rage thing when a few months ago he was basically a Republican.
I am starting to worry that there is some terrible plot to eliminate the Democratic Party by getting them to commit mass political suicide.
George Bush is basically doing a pretty good job but if Hussien or Osama or both turn up dead in the next few months, will there be a recognizable Democratic Party left that anyone will have anything to do with?
Would you bet your future on neither one being caught or killed?
The economy is rebounding. Jobs follow growth. Bush is spending money faster than any Democrat could dream. Partial Birth Abortion is banned. Seniors are getting medical goodies. And we are hunting down and killing terrorists just as fast as we can find them.
I mean, worse case, say we DO get hit hard again, some airliner thing or whatever, what in the hell will any Democrat have to say that won't get them egged? "SEE! I told you we should have done nothing!"
I am honestly getting worried that there will be no healthy check to the rise in GOP political power because all the leaders of the loyal opposition are in a death race to see who can drink the most Cool- Aid.
The Vaster than I ever thought Right Wing Conspiracy?
1. That Saddam Hussein was not a threat to our national security and would not be in the near and forseable future.
That's it.
The Iraqi War Resolution states CLEARLY for anyone who cares to see and know what every Senator and every member of the House based their vote on: Hussein WAS a threat, IS a threat and would continue to be so in the future, time being the only matter. NO!?
Will anyone honestly be surprised as more and more evidence builds that Hussein (GASP!) was working quietly to do us harm?
Will anyone honestly be surprised if WMD information builds and builds in terms of Iraqi dissemination to known terror groups?
Will anyone be surprised if we are attacked again, say a subway or other vulnerable target, and that some bio bug is used and that as the investigation unfolds, it turns out Iraq helped over the last decade in some tangible form?
Will anyone be surprised when (not if) more and more facts are uncovered about Iraqi WMD programs and finding actual weapons?
I just don't get it. The leading contenders, including those who know better, for the Democratic nomination for President basically act like we are attacking Mother Theresa.
What is in it for them to take so precarious and reality defying a position?
Are these people all secretly working for Karl Rove?
The great dope, Wes Clark, has recently found this seething fake rage thing when a few months ago he was basically a Republican.
I am starting to worry that there is some terrible plot to eliminate the Democratic Party by getting them to commit mass political suicide.
George Bush is basically doing a pretty good job but if Hussien or Osama or both turn up dead in the next few months, will there be a recognizable Democratic Party left that anyone will have anything to do with?
Would you bet your future on neither one being caught or killed?
The economy is rebounding. Jobs follow growth. Bush is spending money faster than any Democrat could dream. Partial Birth Abortion is banned. Seniors are getting medical goodies. And we are hunting down and killing terrorists just as fast as we can find them.
I mean, worse case, say we DO get hit hard again, some airliner thing or whatever, what in the hell will any Democrat have to say that won't get them egged? "SEE! I told you we should have done nothing!"
I am honestly getting worried that there will be no healthy check to the rise in GOP political power because all the leaders of the loyal opposition are in a death race to see who can drink the most Cool- Aid.
The Vaster than I ever thought Right Wing Conspiracy?