Story is that while an Iowa class ship neer faced the Yamamoto, some of it's armor was found after the war and right across the river, they got answer the question, "could the Yamamoto have taken a shot from the 26 inch gun and made it?" Answer as the pic shows is of course not.
Nobody had 26" guns. Iowa class sported 9 16". And it's the Yamato. Her and her sister Musashi were the biggest SOB's ever made, 72,000 tons, to Iowa's 45,000 and the Japs carried 18" main guns.
And I don't know what that pic is from. It ain't either of the sisters. They were both killed by American fly boys.
Sorry, I crossed up the gun inches with the armor thickness. The armor was the same type as that used by those two ships, not from the ship themselves. wastes of time and money. Man, if those things had been carriers!!!!
Posted as we approach the era of asymmetric responses that will soon include "carrier killer" missile systems.
It never ends.
... total wastes of time and money.