Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.


Duck Molester
From where you are sitting or standing right now.......... With your right foot, raise it up just off the ground and start making a clockwise circle with it.

While making a clockwise circle with your foot take your right hand and draw a number six in the air................... At this point your foot will automatically change direction to go counter clockwise............ Very Strange.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Kain99
Ewwww.... It does!
and I thought I had too much time on my hands... damn if it didn't though..
also, em's and BU's avatar makes me go hmmmm. just a little tidbit I thought I'd share.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It made my leg go straight out and back and my left eye fell out of its socket.

The good news is I can now trace a "6" in the air with my right hand, which I couldn't do before; I'm a lefty.


Teach me to talk
Originally posted by mainman
I would probably make more money. I have given it thought before, especially while in college! :wink: :lmao: Call it research for a term paper. :lmao: