He's listening to the same crew...
Bruzilla said:
Bush is sure listening to something, and it's not the leaders in the field or the kinda folks that won Desert Storm for us... it seems to me he's listening to the Colin Powell crowd and the Democrats when he should be dragging Stormin' Norman Schwartkopf out of retirement.
...from the get go; Pearl and Wolfowitz, basically.
The 4th ID was suppossed to come flying down from Turkey on day one of the invasion to be the net that 3rd ID and 7th marines were flushing everything into.
Much would have been different from a stability point as the places to run and hide would have been severely restricted. More bad guy leader types would have been captured or killed much sooner and the looting and rioting would have been minimized.
As it was, Turkey ####ed us and we've been dealing with the repurcusions ever since.
In the mean time the Pearl/Wolfowitz model says that of all the Arab peoples, the Iraqi's have the strongest sense of nationality, Iraqi over tribe, and thus Iraq is the best place in the region to try and sprout democracy and democracy, rule of law, constitutional minority rights, is the path to the freedom and the responsibility that will trump the dictatorships and fanatics in the area; viola...a lovely world for all with less threat to global oil markets.
Bush I screwed Iraq over in 1991. He said 'revolt and we will come'. Well, we didn't and all the George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons and Patrcik Henrys were given death. We left Iraqi patriots hanging out to dry.
We owe these people and Bush II is trying to use as little force as possible and as much coaxing as possible to get people to stick their necks out and take charge. Sunnis, Shia's, Kurds, everyone.
These people saw what happended last time we said 'trust us'.
It is working but it does take time and it will take time.