Yes I read the article on MSNBC on the day it posted. Read it again here it's the same article.
Where did she say she didn't want to parent? I read unprepared, living in difficult circumstances, sometimes distracted things were complicated and tense. The doctor also said language delays were part of the cause - did you read that? Did you read where the mother took the child to doctor after doctor? How about wit's end part? Did you read that? That would describe me to a "t" when my son had violent temper tantrums. Did you read the part about low income families are often prescribed drugs because it's cheaper than psychological treatment? Where should the child be removed to? Foster home? Did you read the part where it say drugs are frequently prescribed to children in foster homes? Should he have gone to a state run home, mental hospital? Do you know what they do there? Prescribe drugs. This mother may have not been the best mother in the world but she did try and I understand what she meant by wit's end inside and out. She is sharing her story to the world including stating things that were probably difficult for her to admit. She kept looking until she found the solution - I hope it helps someone else.
I do agree with you that there are better ways then drugs and when I made that statement to my son's ever growing circle of doctors I was told - no there isn't. Thank God they were wrong, thank God for the Department of Health social workers and their support programs, thank God for family support on base when I cried on their shoulder and didn't think I could take it anymore, thank God for his patient, caring, concerned teachers at Great Mills High School for not giving up on him, thank God for my parents and believe it not thank God for the drugs that gave US the respite WE needed while looking for a better solution. I mean thank God in every sense of those words. Gotta run.