This could get interesting


Well-Known Member
Supposed? It’s legit.

Your country has been sold to the highest tech bidder. It’s over folks, you might not see it today, but it’s all over. You got your wish.
Dude, you are hilarious!! Your cranial rectal inversion is pretty bad. The resulting methane poisoning is sad. The previous president and his horrific family sold the US to the rest of the world, but you think Trump has sold out the US to a tech bidder. Bless your heart.

Weren't you moving out of the country or is that just wishful thinking for the rest of us.
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Well-Known Member
I don't believe that many will leave.
Remember these people have crept into high ranking Government positions, and they like that pay and they protect the other free-loaders.

They can sit out 4 years and they know it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Our country is being actively stripped for parts.

What are you talking about? Do you not know how bloated our federal government is and here's millions of people sitting around on their ass on our dime doing makework bullshit? Holding innumerable meetings and creating task forces to "look into things"?

Every time I see some bureaucrat all - "Oh we've empaneled a commission to investigate the situation....." MFer, you run the ****ing thing! You should know it inside and out and not have to hire a bunch of new people to do your damn job! Then the job STILL doesn't get done, it just gets memory holed and that commission is still on the payroll while Mr. Bureaucrat power lunches with lobbyists and elected officials to keep the gravy train on track.

Federal government isn't supposed to be this Rube Goldberg behemoth. United States. United STATES. STATES. UNITED. Get it? All this sht the Fed has created - programs for this and that, Dept of blah blah blah - should be eliminated or kicked back to the states. That way it's close to home and someone can keep an eye on it instead of funneling money nobody knows where it goes and having obsolete departments nobody knows what they do.

If you want to pay for that sht you go right ahead - cut a check. Start a GoFundMe. Have a bake sale. But I don't. And apparently most people don't, either, because Trump won.

How are you this ****ing stupid? No, really. I genuinely want to know.


Power with Control
The United States is over

Sorry, the last Trump supporter talked about millions of people. I hope she was right.

“here's millions of people sitting around on their ass on our dime doing makework bullshit? Holding innumerable meetings and creating task forces to "look into things"?”

So are you looking to emigrate then?


Well-Known Member
As I suspect know there are several Federal employees on this forum, I will ask...

Anyone gonna take the buyout?

also, wondering how it will work with those who were intending to retire soon. Will they get to grab some extra cash going out the door? Will there be exceptions to those who are in a position to do that?

Should get interesting :snacks:
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I am assuming that this buyout is primarily targeting WG and low-level GS employees? Why would a high-level GS or SES take this buyout?


Well-Known Member
Why would a high-level GS or SES take this buyout?
If they were clinging to the job to collect an easy paycheck while sitting at home AND eligible for retirement, why not? Get a nice chunk of change on top of their retirement benefits.
From what I have seen and heard, the "high-level GS and SES" positions comprised a lot of those who were 'work from home.' EDIT: This applies locally. Not respective of the entire federal workforce.
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Well-Known Member
This is not a buyout or a severance package. With a buyout or a severance package you immediately leave and you take the lump sum with you. You can go get another job and pocket the money. This is a deferred resignation. There is a difference. With the deferred resignation, you still work until the date listed for your resignation. The only benefit to a fed here that I can see is that they can work from home permanently until the date of their resignation. The only people who will take this offer are any people who were planning on retiring in the next 6-8 months. They can hang on through the summer, at home most likely doing nothing, and collect a pay check until they retire.

I don't see where this will be a help in thinning the workforce at all. Those who take it were going to be gone in a few months anyway. In fact, some people who might have retired in the next few months will likely wait because they can take the offer and telework through the summer. The government will be paying them when they might have retired and been off the payroll sooner.
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Well-Known Member
No, he’s actively destroying institutional knowledge.

The most experienced folks, talented ones, will take this offer and be bought by the highest Raytheon bidder. The rest will vacillate under a hiring freeze of managers and things will slowly get worse, as they have since 2016.
The institutional knowledge I observe regulary is about 30-40 years out of date to the IT systems that support it. They need to retire.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone gonna take the buyout?

I think most people won't take the buyout because this is what they do - they have a sweet deal. I think I read it's 8 months pay? That's really not very much.

The Secs and administrators need to take inventory of their various realms - who are all these people and what do they do? Should this be a state thing? Is it necessary? Is it redundant? Example:

Dept of Ed was a good idea. A federal dept that oversees education on a national level and aids the state education programs. Then it turned into freaking Goliath. And clearly there are too many people in that dept who don't have enough to do so they sit around getting baked and coming up with weird stoner ideas of stuff to inflict on our kids. Here are the various offices and programs under DoE:

Then you go to the individual Office and there's a bunch of suboffices, and on and on it goes. In the meantime, I haven't noticed an increase in educational proficiency in this country. If anything, our kids are less educated than previous generations. Because that's the problem when you have too many people involved in something - they have to come up with bullshit to justify their paycheck. So they go, "Hey, I know! Let's send Drag Queens into elementary schools to teach kids to be tolerant!" And if you say, "Hey, you people need to trim your budget" they go, "SCREEECH! Fine! Then we'll just eliminate school lunches! How would you like that? Why do you want to starve little children???"


We need a Tom Homan for every department of the US government. Someone who'll do what's needed and not give a crap when people whine about it. A JD Vance who'll say, "I don't really care, Margaret."
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Well-Known Member
I think most people won't take the buyout because this is what they do - they have a sweet deal. I think I read it's 8 months pay? That's really not very much.
8 months of pay (and benefits) to sit on their butts and do nothing OR to take into early retirement OR to even collect while working another job.
Still better than working every single day until retirement date and just collecting your retirement pay. Essentially, 8 months of free money and benefits IN ADDITION to their retirement pensions and benefits.
$100K salary = $67K buyout (before taxes and other deductions)