This has to be one of my favorite things.


In My Opinion
But I thought the women was well loved and followed by millions????

how could it be?

I think her 20 seconds of fame ran out, I wonder what she will do with her time now that she is no longer needed?

lets see.
her husband left her,
her family now knows she is in need of mental health care
the majority of the country has no use for her

what a washout she has made herself.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Another thing...

...the left and the media ought to be ashamed of how they exploited her.

This was freak show journalism at its worst; they KNEW no one supported her and that she is in a profoundly messed up state of mind.

And our compassionate leftists swooped her up and lied to her about sharing her pain, never having the balls to say "You know what Sheehan, we're more than happy to exploit your pain and loss but, to be honest, we're glad you're war mongering solider boy is dead. We hate the military and the country they defend."

Of course shame is not a characteristic of a leftist or a 'journalist'.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Bustem' Down said:
I think that's just a bit extreme.

The left in this nation demonized soldiers during Vietnam and many of the troops were DRAFTED. That's not news.

How do you think they REALLY feel about VOLUNTEERS?

Ronald Reagan soared to historic popularity by doing three things; Cutting taxes, thereby unleashing private enterpirse, calling a spade a spade vis a vis the Soviets and rebuilding pride and joy in simply being an American again and part of that was a huge emphasis on the military. Call it flag waving because that's what he did; waved the flag, spent the cash and a sickly US military was re-born.

Leftists hate that. They hate soliders unless it's Tom Cruise, crippled in a wheelchair denouncing his country or Soldier Sheehan, dead and symbolicly usefull.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
The left in this nation demonized soldiers during Vietnam and many of the troops were DRAFTED. That's not news.

How do you think they REALLY feel about VOLUNTEERS?

Ronald Reagan soared to historic popularity by doing three things; Cutting taxes, thereby unleashing private enterpirse, calling a spade a spade vis a vis the Soviets and rebuilding pride and joy in simply being an American again and part of that was a huge emphasis on the military. Call it flag waving because that's what he did; waved the flag, spent the cash and a sickly US military was re-born.

Leftists hate that. They hate soliders unless it's Tom Cruise, crippled in a wheelchair denouncing his country or Soldier Sheehan, dead and symbolicly usefull.
I say that's extreme because your lumping probably close to 50% of america (by last presidential election stats) into a single streotype based of a few impotent senetors in congress. Half my family is Democrat and a lot of people I'm friends with are, and they're just as much flag wavers as you are. I even know some people who are devout democrats who are for the war in Iraq. On a side note, my father is a stanch religious Republican who (even though he voted for him) thinks Bush is a complete idiot and wishes the Republicans had put up a better candidtate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hold up...

Bustem' Down said:
I say that's extreme because your lumping probably close to 50% of america (by last presidential election stats) into a single streotype based of a few impotent senetors in congress. Half my family is Democrat and a lot of people I'm friends with are, and they're just as much flag wavers as you are. I even know some people who are devout democrats who are for the war in Iraq. On a side note, my father is a stanch religious Republican who (even though he voted for him) thinks Bush is a complete idiot and wishes the Republicans had put up a better candidtate.

50%??? Weren't we just talking about Mother Sheehan and the two people who came to her book signing???

The support for her is minimal, clearly. The support for Al Franken and the rest of the US left is, if not minimal, then certainly small enough that when election time comes around all the affection and support for Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich disappears into thin air, from which it came, put back on life support by the media and oddball horror stories like Mrs. Sheehan.

How do all those people you mention feel about Sheehan and Pelosi and Kucinich and Dean? I don't lump Democrats in with leftists. They're in your party and your problem but I see a huge difference and of late I have started to take care to differentiate 'leftist' from liberals.

I have no clue why real Demcorats even allow leftist freaks like Franken and Moore and so on and so forth in your party.

2,000 deaths in this near 3 year war is an incredibly low number especially when you put it in context with the over 3,000 homocides in California in the last 12 months.

Make no mistake; leftists rejoice in every US combat death and would sooner have us leave the field so Saddam could win and Bush could be wrong and then 2,000 deaths become meaningless once they've won THEIR war with Bush.
Last edited:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
My bad

Larry Gude said:
50%??? Weren't we just talking about Mother Sheehan and the two people who came to her book signing???

The support for her is minimal, clearly. The support for Al Franken and the rest of the US left is, if not minimal, then certainly small enough that when election time comes around all the affection and support for Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich disappears into thin air, from which it came, put back on life support by the media and oddball horror stories like Mrs. Sheehan.

How do all those people you mention feel about Sheehan and Pelosi and Kucinich and Dean? I don't lump Democrats in with leftists. They're in your party and your problem but I see a huge difference and of late I have started to take care to differentiate 'leftist' from liberals.

I have no clue why real Demcorats even allow leftist freaks like Franken and Moore and so on and so forth in your party.

2,000 deaths in this near 3 year war is an incredibly low number especially when you put it in context with the over 3,000 homocides in California in the last 12 months.

Make no mistake; leftists rejoice in every US combat death and would sooner have us leave the field so Saddam could win and Bush could be wrong and then 2,000 deaths become meaningless once they've won THEIR war with Bush.
....I got confused. I thought you were talking about all democrats. I see where your going now. And it's not my party, I refuse to affiliate with any party. I look at each and every candidate fresh and decide who I like.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm still trying to figure out why she was *ever* a news item to begin with. I suspect there have been LOTS of protesters with their own stories to tell who have stood in front of the White House or Bush's ranch. Why did she get so much attention for SO LONG? Geez, for a few weeks, all we ever heard at night was Cindy Sheehan.

Jerry Doyle, a talk show host (who comes on WTNT locally at 3pm-6pm 570AM) says it's because the media want to deflect interest away from the real matters of the day - so they give us Michael Jackson and Terry Schiavo and Cindy Sheehan and Natalee Holloway - rather than Social Security, Able Danger and so on.

I don't think there's any such thing - but I think the news media know that some things sell, and some things don't - and Sheehan doesn't sell anymore.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I look at each and every candidate fresh and decide who I like.
I used to do that, too, until I realized that every Democrat I help send to the House and Senate will most likely bang with the gang. And the "gang" started flaking out in 1996, so they won't be getting my vote again any time soon.

Steny Hoyer is a great example of this. He's a powerful Representative - not only a member of the Appropriations committee, but House Democratic Whip to boot. That is one step below Nancy Pelosi. So it would make sense for SoMD to keep him there because he brings home the bacon.

Unfortunately, he bangs with the gang and talks out his ass when it comes to the war, terrorism, education and health care. Check his voting record and you'll see that he votes right along party lines - you NEVER see him taking a position that is opposite the majority of Democrats. In fact, as Whip, he actually represents the Democrats in a leadership position and helps steer and relay the message they want to send. He IS the gang leader.

So there's your choice with him - good for SoMD, bad for America. Therefore, in good conscience, I could never cast a vote for Steny Hoyer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I think the news media know that some things sell, and some things don't
The only reason Sheehan "sells" is because the media sold her. They gave her an inordinate amount of publicity - much more than a crazy person deserves - and turned her into a celebrity. They faked her turnout, faked her "touching moments", edited her interviews so she doesn't sound so much like a loon. The public was mostly fed the image of Sheehan as grieving mother - a soft-spoken, compassionate Delores Taylor clone. Only if you were really paying attention did you get to hear her screaming obscenities and going off like a rabid DU-er.

The media is made up of a bunch of Leftist Hate-America-Firsters, so they push the stories that fit their agenda and leave out the ones that don't.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
edited her interviews so she doesn't sound so much like a loon
Drudge had a quote from her some time back where she went on about how Iraq is now some kind of radioactive zone because of all the nukes we used. What was that all about?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm still trying to figure out why she was *ever* a news item to begin with

She *fit* the agenda: Anti war, anti Bush, lost a child in the evil Haliburton attempt to control the world from Dick Cheneys hidden fortress...

The radioactivity she is refering to is spent 30mm rounds from the Vulcan cannon on Apache attack helo's. They use depleted uranium.

Don't know the details but...

Wiki does...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
More unsigned Red Karma...

"Far to Extreme"

The leftists in this county say, day after day, that the administration is WASTING soldiers lives in an illegal war and I am to extreme???

Maybe 'to close to the truth' would be more accurate?