This is a political disaster for Republicans: Steve Moore


Well-Known Member
Pork barrel spending at its worst.

Scott Brown, Steve Moore and Jessica Anderson weigh in on what's inside the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill and how this impacts Americans on 'Hannity.'



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Patron's a political disaster for Republicans.....and......? Republican voters are going to switch to the Democrats who also voted for this bill?

You'd have to be some kinda stupid to blame a bill created by Democrats and voted in by a Democrat majority and signed by a Democrat president on Republicans.

And I'm sick of them calling everything a "political disaster". Politics in general is a disaster. The people running this country are a disaster. Our federal law enforcement and legal system is a disaster. One incident isn't the disaster; the disaster is the whole thing.

I've given up the paid blahblahers in favor of Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, followed by King of Queens. These people largely talk out their ass and need their face punched.


Well-Known Member
One party is no better than another. They both suck.
This says the Republicans voted for the bill to get pork for their districts, so of course their districts will vote for them again and put these same ass wipes back in office.

All politicians give a flying fuk about is staying in office and gaining perks.
There might be 6 Republicans who are patriots. 6 Maybe.
I don't see any in the democrat party.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Every federal agency should be under constant audit. We the People need to remind them that they work for us, not the other way around. Federal agencies should be scrutinized and reigned in, and if need be dissolved. We're feeding the fire if we sit by idly and do nothing, as they ran roughshod over the US Constitution.


Well-Known Member's a political disaster for Republicans.....and......? Republican voters are going to switch to the Democrats who also voted for this bill?

You'd have to be some kinda stupid to blame a bill created by Democrats and voted in by a Democrat majority and signed by a Democrat president on Republicans.

And I'm sick of them calling everything a "political disaster". Politics in general is a disaster. The people running this country are a disaster. Our federal law enforcement and legal system is a disaster. One incident isn't the disaster; the disaster is the whole thing.

I've given up the paid blahblahers in favor of Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, followed by King of Queens. These people largely talk out their ass and need their face punched.

Jesus. Now we know the level of stupidity we are dealing with if those are the shows you watch.

Middle of the road canned laughter designed to entertain zombies until the commercial where they can sell you over priced crap.

No wonder you complain about the state of the world.

You know the people you complain about are elected.

Don't vote for them next time. Or get off your butt and campaign for someone you do believe in.