This is absolutely ridiculous

General Lee

Well-Known Member

People need to pay the **** attention. What the hell, 20 yards away and you can't tell the difference between a human from a turkey. Based on his age, I'll assume this was not his first hunting adventure and because of his age I believe he is exempt from taking a hunters safety course..... But now he should.

I'm at a lost for words. I realize mistakes happen, but at 20 yards you should to be able to identify your target. I'll stop ranting, as my blood pressure is rising.


All Up In Your Grill
General Lee said:

People need to pay the **** attention. What the hell, 20 yards away and you can't tell the difference between a human from a turkey. Based on his age, I'll assume this was not his first hunting adventure and because of his age I believe he is exempt from taking a hunters safety course..... But now he should.

I'm at a lost for words. I realize mistakes happen, but at 20 yards you should to be able to identify your target. I'll stop ranting, as my blood pressure is rising.

I can't think of one single thing to say about this...:killingme


Asperger's Poster Child
Hunter: "Doc, is my buddy going to make it?"

Doctor: "It's difficult to say. He'd have a better chance if you hadn't gutted him first."
General Lee said:

People need to pay the **** attention. What the hell, 20 yards away and you can't tell the difference between a human from a turkey. Based on his age, I'll assume this was not his first hunting adventure and because of his age I believe he is exempt from taking a hunters safety course..... But now he should.

I'm at a lost for words. I realize mistakes happen, but at 20 yards you should to be able to identify your target. I'll stop ranting, as my blood pressure is rising.
They say turkey hunting is the most dangerous. Hide in the bushes wearing camo clothing and make sounds like a turkey. Lure your buddy in close and then rustle the bushes. Blam! Oops sorry dude!


New Member
desertrat said:
They say turkey hunting is the most dangerous. Hide in the bushes wearing camo clothing and make sounds like a turkey. Lure your buddy in close and then rustle the bushes. Blam! Oops sorry dude!
I heard he was using a "clapper" as a lure.....

Big Fatty

General Lee said:

People need to pay the **** attention. What the hell, 20 yards away and you can't tell the difference between a human from a turkey. Based on his age, I'll assume this was not his first hunting adventure and because of his age I believe he is exempt from taking a hunters safety course..... But now he should.

I'm at a lost for words. I realize mistakes happen, but at 20 yards you should to be able to identify your target. I'll stop ranting, as my blood pressure is rising.

I don't mean to be insensitive, but this is f'ing hilarious! I think there should be an age limit for hunting. For driving too! :killingme


desertrat said:
They say turkey hunting is the most dangerous. Hide in the bushes wearing camo clothing and make sounds like a turkey. Lure your buddy in close and then rustle the bushes. Blam! Oops sorry dude!

You'd be surprised by some of the camo today and how well it can hide you...even at close up ranges. The stuff is really good...and these guys were really bad and broke two simple rules.
--If hunting with a partner, know EXACTLY where that person is
--If there is ANY question as to what you are shooting at...don't shoot. This guy shot at sound and rustling bushes and should wear a sign for the rest of his life that says... :stupid:
oldnavy said:
You'd be surprised by some of the camo today and how well it can hide you...even at close up ranges. The stuff is really good...:stupid:
Not really.

Cabellas :yay:
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