This is funny but horrible…


Lawful neutral
I just talked with my brother and he told me about his brother-in-law who’s a man whore.

This guy sets up fake dating accounts all over the place. He’ll use a model for his picture and some crazy profile description like “Spent summer hiking in Tibet feeding deaf children” or something. All these women message him and he waits a couple weeks before he does a copy and paste response like “sorry I didn’t respond immediately I was summiting Everest” or something then rinse and repeat.

He’ll narrow it down to just a few he thinks are hot and start up bullsh!t conversations designed to get them all worked up then he says “I have to fly to Austria on business so I’ll be out of touch for a while”.

He waits a few weeks then messages them all back “I met someone while on business and we’re madly in love”.

These girls write back with the standard “I’m happy for you but sad for me, frown face emoji”

And that’s when he sets the hook…he say’s “hey, I know we aren’t going to work out but you and my single best friend would be great together”.

This guy said it’s the most successful he’s ever been. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, but what happens when he meets these women and finds that they're 300lbs and 20 years older than they said, with every hardship they've endured in their sad life etched right on their face?

That's a lot of effort to go through to meet someone you could pick up at Toots.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Or they start dating a guy with a mind and thought process that effed up. And what is 'success'? An endless stream of first dates with people he deceived every step of the way?


Well-Known Member
I just talked with my brother and he told me about his brother-in-law who’s a man whore.

This guy sets up fake dating accounts all over the place. He’ll use a model for his picture and some crazy profile description like “Spent summer hiking in Tibet feeding deaf children” or something. All these women message him and he waits a couple weeks before he does a copy and paste response like “sorry I didn’t respond immediately I was summiting Everest” or something then rinse and repeat.

He’ll narrow it down to just a few he thinks are hot and start up bullsh!t conversations designed to get them all worked up then he says “I have to fly to Austria on business so I’ll be out of touch for a while”.

He waits a few weeks then messages them all back “I met someone while on business and we’re madly in love”.

These girls write back with the standard “I’m happy for you but sad for me, frown face emoji”

And that’s when he sets the hook…he say’s “hey, I know we aren’t going to work out but you and my single best friend would be great together”.

This guy said it’s the most successful he’s ever been. :lmao:

Smalltown is your brother?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
At least with the moderately successful "astronaut scam" we knew what the targets looked like in advance.