This is Scary, I like an Al Sharpton Idea

Larry Gude

Strung Out

"There's a difference in the having the right to express yourself and in engaging in violence, civil distubance, defaming innocent people and endlessly playing the race card to hype a local political career, and then changing tactics once you move to a national stage" he said.

He oughta know. Al is building a resume. Fear not. When he drags one of these kids through the court system accusing them of actually causing harm, then we'll see. In the mean time, they're just doing what he'd do if he were a record scratcher. It sells.

Maybe professional jealousy at work here?


Lovin' being Texican


Its not banning the speach its banning the artist (temporarly) for being a thug.

Although I can't speak for Al but I think he sees it as being a thug will not be sensationalized as much and the young (impressional) black males will not be as drawn to it.

I don't see it any different than not allowing convicted felons to vote.