This is so totally NOT News...



Spot, spaniel born in first Bush White House, dies
First family 'deeply saddened'

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Spot, an English springer spaniel with a White House pedigree who spent nearly 15 years with President Bush and his family, has died, the White House announced Saturday.

An administration official told CNN that Spot was put to sleep Saturday around 1:30 p.m. after suffering a series of strokes. Her remains will be taken to the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

The White House issued a statement saying the first family was "deeply saddened" by Spot's passing.

"A loyal and loving companion, Spot was a beloved member of the Bush family for nearly 15 years. She will be missed," the statement said.

Spot was the daughter of Millie, a dog owned by the president's father and mother, former President George Bush and Barbara Bush. She was born at the White House in 1989, when the elder Bushes lived there. The Bushes have another dog, Barney, a Scottish terrier.

The two dogs often greeted the president when he would return to the White House from trips, and often traveled with the Bushes, The Associated Press reported. Spot would dutifully climb onto a helicopter or Air Force One without being told, but Bush often had to chase Barney down and hand him to an aide to be carried aboard, according to the AP.

Mrs. Bush has often said that -- especially with the Bush's two daughters away at college -- talking about and playing with the dogs and the family's cat, Willy, are a large part of the couple's entertainment, according to the AP.


It's ok Tig.... Everyone knows that ST and I have a long, Love - Hate history. He Loved me for so long and then after a terrible, tearful battle hated me when I let him move to Virginia.

I Loved him and then hated him when he got me banned, twice!! and stopped begging me to marry him.

It's all good. :wink:
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TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
It's ok Tig.... Everyone knows that ST and I have a long, Love - Hate history. He Loved me for so long and hated me when I let him move to Virginia.

I Loved him and then hated him when he stopped begging me to marry him.

It's all good. :wink:

So he's your X boyfriend.:shocking: :twitch:


Originally posted by TIGGER6035
So he's your X boyfriend.:shocking: :twitch:
Oh yes! he and I were the big story before MM came on the scene. I'm actually excited to find out whose next! :wink:


Football season!
Originally posted by Kain99
It's ok Tig.... Everyone knows that ST and I have a long, Love - Hate history. He Loved me for so long and then after a terrible, tearful battle hated me when I let him move to Virginia.

I Loved him and then hated him when he stopped begging me to marry him.

It's all good. :wink:

Marry? Heck, I just wanted a piece of a$$ :biggrin: