Larry Gude
Strung Out
In the column, Neuharth, noting the many soldiers far from home and in harm’s way at Christmas, called for a U.S. pullout from Iraq “sooner rather than later.” Neuharth served in World War II in France, Germany and the Philippines, but suggested that avoiding service in Iraq was proper today. He observed that WW II, on the other hand, was "highly moral" and troops were “properly equipped.”
This from the boss at USA Today.
This man is a ####ing liar. And he is lying for one purpose only; his own vanity.
WWII was as good as won by late 1944 and everyone knew it, especially this piece of #### if he truly served.
So, what happened? Germany and Japan slogged on, killing as many US service personel EVERY day in an attempt to find a more favorable peace, IE, one in which the leadership could survive. How to do this? US public opinion as to when losses became unacceptable.
In case this idiot cares, Germany made not one attack on US soil. Why was it 'moral' to war with them when it isn't to war with another monster, Saddam Hussein?
They destroyed their armies. They destroyed their people. They destroyed their countries and every day, EVERY STINKING day, US troops kept on, bleeding, dying, suffering horrific wounds, knowing it was over and knowing that every man lost from then, late '44 on, until it actually stopped in April 1945 would lose his life or limb not for victory and not to protect the US (because the enemy was crippled) but for what kind of victory.
So now, an ALL VOLUNTEER force, is suffering the same unpredictable stabs of violence for a war long since over in terms of winning and losing. They are standing a post, driving past IED's, eating, sleeping and working far from home to ensure what kind of victory there will be.
This man is a disgrace. He is the best and ONLY hope of suicide bombers and their masters. This is vile.
Best equiped? Ask the ariborne units who defended Bastonge in the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944. They froze and fought under-equiped and under supplied, no winter clothes, little to no medical equipment and short of ammo BECAUSE most of the winter gear they should have had was STOLEN in France. Stolen by their fellow US service personel in supply untis to make money on the black market.
Ask the 2,000 who died in ancient battleships, bottled up in harbour because modern warfare had made them to vulnerable to patrol.
Ask the defenders of Bataan.
God, I HATE worms like this guy.
Just say it: You hate US troops. You HOPE enough die and get dismembered to support YOUR myopic world view.