Tom Sawyer said:
Much of what you have to say has merit.
However I do believe this action was fought badly. Israel's military Commanders think so too. The fact is that Israel will never have a peace, they are surrounded by people who have never known peace. If they arent fighting Israel they will fight each other. The war should have gone on until every rocket in the hands of Hezballah was gone, if Hezballah wishes to fight with small arms, thats up to them. Fact is Hezballah did not sneak thousands of rockets into Lebanon unbeknownst to Lebanese officials , and Lebanon deserved everything they got. Now Lebanon in contrast to the UN peace plan has already refused to take those rockets from Hezballah. Israel fought a war, they havent gotten their kidnapped people back, they havent disarmed Hezballah, they havent gotten anything out of the war,.
Israel has lost for the first time in their history and the Arabs are going to parlay that into more trouble for Israel. I look for the Syrians to work up enough nerve to attack them next.
Israel had no choice. If they continued to press and the heat from the world community increased we would have cut them off from arms rather than be exposed as supplying the "Butchers of Israel." The only thing more dire for Israel than being surrounded by people who want to kill you is being unarmed and surrounded by people who want to kill you.
They will never win the sentiment of the hacks in the UN. They will always be viewed as "in the wrong" no matter the circumstances and they cannot change that. The doofus PM of Lebanon delivered a stupid, idiotic, totally untrue speech to the Arab League, explaining how Lebanon was the innocent victim of unwarranted Israeli aggression, and he ever teared up to add sincerity and he got a standing ovation. The next day the French did a 180 and left us hanging on crafting a cease fire that required Hesbolla to disarm and move out.
The fact is the Arabs have the world community by the balls by controlling oil. If you don't suck up to them even when they are blatantly wrong you run the risk of them shutting down the wells for a week or a month. They have enough money to survive that, we don't. They have the power to cause our energy prices to skyrocket. They could single handedly being us to our knees along with the Chinese, Brits, and French. Until this changes they will continue to be kissed on the cheek.
Conversely they have to walk a tight rope. If they get too out of hand and Russia, China, the UK and the USA move in, take the entire middle east and divide it among ourselves to ensure uninterrupted affordable oil supply they will be back to wandering the desert and eating the fleas off their camels.