This might annoy me if I think about it too much


This Space for Rent
Kyle said:

I'm surprised Irwin didn't do this first.

SA: I can see that. Great, well, it's good to know. But I wonder about the people who have only some vague sense of who you are. And heaven forbid if they saw your representation on South Park—have you seen that?

STEVE: Yeah, that was hilarious. "I'm going to stick my thumb in this rattlesnake's butt-hole, just to piss it off." I mean, we nearly died laughing.

SA: So it doesn't bother you?

STEVE: Oh, mate! Honestly, I loved that. You know, I'm Australian, and we have got the worst sense of humor. We are cruel to each other. South Park was excellent, really. Imagine how you can back our message, whether the animators agree or not, taking our message to South Park and touching millions of people around the world with animation. And it's not stopping here, mate. What's coming up is unbelievable. We've got running on our own animated series.
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