This rhetoric is...WOW!


Super Genius
Bush, GOP Labeled 'Thieves' Who 'Need to be Locked Up'
"They all need to be locked up because they are all criminals and they are all thieves," said Judge Greg Mathis, the star of the syndicated television program "The Judge Mathis Show."

Mathis made his remarks to an enthusiastic crowd assembled in Atlanta to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Participants are launching a two-year campaign to extend and strengthen key aspects of the act when it expires in 2007.

"It is indeed criminal to steal an election and within two years run up a federal deficit of half-a-trillion dollars, send our young people over to Iraq to die for an unjust war. What they are doing is criminal," Mathis said to loud cheers.
This is some pretty F'd up #$%^ here! :shocked:


Nothing to see here
That's not as bad as Dick Gregory's and Harry Belafonte's comments at the same event.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"[The] Supreme Court was an accomplice to the biggest election crime in history in 2000. And I call it a crime because indeed that is exactly what it was," he said to applause.

What an ignorant ass.

The Bush administration was equated with past policies of slavery and segregation and labeled "the enemy of our (black America's) progress" by Mathis.

"They shot and missed when they enslaved, segregated and oppressed our people. They shot and missed when they stole the past two presidential elections. They shot and missed when they denied our right to vote," Mathis said.

I was completely unaware that the Bush Administration was responsible for slavery and segregation. I thought that was...the Democrats.



"And they wonder why people drag them behind trucks." Doug Tracht

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Last night...

...because at core I'm a geek, I was watching Cspan and they were running tape of the Blue Bar B Q in New Hampshire, a community DEMOCRATIC shin dig that show cases the wannabes and allows Joe and JoLeane Local Big Shot the chance to rub elbows with the famous and near famous.

So, here's John Boy Edwards talking to this lady, some local organizer, one on one, about 40-45, soccer mom looking normal person and she's bubbling, giddy to have his sole attention and she starts by saying "Well, Karl Rove is obviously excellent at what he does and how do we find people who are that good in order to win?"

And Edwards goes, "Well, we simply have to have our message heard because we are right and there is a difference between our enemies being ugly and us being tough and..."

She jumps back in "...yes, because Rove is the most dispicable human being that there is and....blah blah..."

There it is, YOUR MESSAGE. Y'all can hide it, ignore it, whatever. You're a bunch of emotion based, ignorant, mean spirited people with this black hearted hatred of individual people you don't even know and it has simply consumed civil discourse in this nation for almost a decade.

Erstwhile normal human beings start spewing bean soup and spinning their heads in circles because it MUST BE that you face evil wizards, devils and the most dispicable people in history, enemies all.

I was amazed. Edwards just shrugged it off and excused himself right then and there to talk with someone else. He knows. I guess she didn't get the DNC note that says don't speak your mind when cameras are near.

Jesus H.


New Member
You're a bunch of emotion based, ignorant, mean spirited people with this black hearted hatred of individual people you don't even know and it has simply consumed civil discourse in this nation for almost a decade.

That is something that I am very saddened to see. For someone who takes every opportunity to call out Democrats for labeling Republican voters as "dumbies" or the middle of the country as "fly-over country," you should know that labeling your opponent as "ignorant" is baseless, uncalled for, and just plain wrong.

Democrats are not dumb. Republicans are not dumb. Some people use poor rhetoric, extremist rhetoric, and rhetoric that plays up ideology more than fact. This sort of rhetoric is no greater apparent in the statement that the other side is a "bunch of emotion based, ignorant, and mean spirtied people." Mr. Gude, you may not be dumb or ignorant, but your rhetoric is normally over the top and this statement is the greatest example of that.

Judge Mathis is dead wrong and so is Mr. Gude. Both need to come back to reality and respect the other side. Only once people like them do so, this nation can lose this strong sense of polarization.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Gosh RR...

...I didn't mean you and Democrats like you.

I just meant the ones like this lady, Howard Dean and his followers, the DU folks, Move on people, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, Begala/Carville and all the other fine, wonderful, thoughtful folks who time after time, day after day label people on the other side of the fence as enemies and dispicable and so forth every chance they get.

I mean come on, without them where would we be? Gores second term?

I guess I should have added that in addition to being mean spirited and hate filled that they're also helping keep good people like President Bush, Don Rumsfeld and Condi in their jobs.

You're right; I should stop focusing on what is wrong with them and simply acknowledge the good that comes from it.


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:

What an ignorant ass.

I was completely unaware that the Bush Administration was responsible for slavery and segregation. I thought that was...the Democrats.


I'm getting the feeling a certain TV judge wants to run for office.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
That is something that I am very saddened to see.
Knock it off. I get absolutely sick and tired of this "two wrongs don't make a right" bullshit.

Yes they do.

Yes they do.

Calling a wrong a wrong is right. When this ignorant ass spews garbage and uses it to rouse the rabble, it's a wrong. Calling this person ignorant, mean-spirited and evil is simply...right.

Dr. Laura says this, and I couldn't agree more: Those who do not recognize and denounce evil are evil themselves.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Judge Mathis is dead wrong and so is Mr. Gude. Both need to come back to reality and respect the other side.
Respect that? Respect that????? I will die and rot in hell before I will "respect" some assinine retard who spews vitriol, lies and hatred toward our President. I DON'T respect ignorance, and neither should you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Republicans are not dumb.
Oh yes they are! Bush is dumber'n post! We're all "brain-dead".

And yet we keep beating Democrats. How smart can THEY be?

I'm continually reminded of the famous chess match of Aaron Nimzovich and Friedrich Samisch where Nimzovich, upon a humiliating defeat, jumped up on the table and exclaimed "Why must I lose to this IDIOT?".

At that level, you do not LOSE to "idiots" - unless you ARE an idiot yourself.

(On that note, I've always been amused by the fact that Bush has somehow contrived SO MANY intricate conspiracies, including planting the faked National Guard memo so brilliantly - without leaving a scintilla of evidence - and yet he still is called a "chimp". I can't fathom the kind of thinking that regards someone as stupid and at the same time believes he is responsible for the most brilliant political maneuvers in recent history. How can you call someone brilliant and stupid at the same time? Even I'd be inclined to say "crazy like a fox").


Super Genius
otter said:
That's not as bad as Dick Gregory's and Harry Belafonte's comments at the same event.
The article I posted didn't say much about their comments, but I just found a source...:yikes: <-cleek

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is one of the...

I can't fathom the kind of thinking that regards someone as stupid and at the same time believes he is responsible for the most brilliant political maneuvers in recent history. How can you call someone brilliant and stupid at the same time? Even I'd be inclined to say "crazy like a fox").

...points that just sits there, week after week, year after year.

The thing they don't won't or can't take responsibility for is that it is implied that that is how they feel about approximately 1/2 their fellow citizens as well; we're dupes, inbreds, morons, intellectually unfit and so on in order to buy into this 'farce' and all the while things like the Iraq War Resolution just sit there like the 800 pound gorilla.
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This Space for Rent
Vrai, I owe you a buck. You were right. He couldn't go through this thread without mentioning the IWR.


New Member
Why has political discourse in America been cheapened? Don't blame one party and leave out the other (which the Gude's have done quite nicely so far and many others). There is a group of hardcore members of both parties who refuse to see the other side's reasoning and who refuse to see their own side's mistakes. Rhetoric may be hot-headed and wrong, but to call that other person "stupid" is just downright classless and has NO place in our political system (though it is your right; just because you can do something, however, doesn't mean that you should). The number is equal on both sides and the hateful rhetoric flys just as high.

Everyone needs to just calm down, respect the other side, objectively view your own side, and laugh at not only them but yourselves as well.

And vrai...
I will die and rot in hell before I will "respect" some assinine retard who spews vitriol, lies and hatred toward our President

Would you do this for ANY president, or merely ones who happen to be Republicans? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Why has political discourse in America been cheapened?
Ask the people - they're the ones that call your President "Hitler". Ask Howard Dean - he's the one that called your President "the enemy". Maybe you could ask the folks over at the DU, who call anyone to the right of Karl Marx a "Nazi".

You completely and totally missed the point of Larry's post about John Edwards and the lady - blew right over your head. She wants to know how the Democrats can get a whiz like Karl Rove to lead them to victory. Edwards tells her that they must stay the course, forget ugly rhetoric and promote a message of leadership. She then launches into a tirade of personal attacks on Rove, calling him despicable, etc. Not talking about issues, mind you, just talking about what a horrible person Karl Rove is.

Would you do this for ANY president, or merely ones who happen to be Republicans? Inquiring minds would like to know.
I don't think you can really compare someone calling Clinton a lying womanizer (which is true) with someone calling George Bush a murdering Hitler. But, yes, when I hear Michael Savage, for example, spewing vitriol and ugliness, I do not respect that nor do I help finance it by buying his books or listening to his talk shows.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
There is a group of hardcore members of both parties who refuse to see the other side's reasoning and who refuse to see their own side's mistakes.
Please explain Judge Mathis' reasoning to me. Do YOU think that the Bush Administration and Republican party leaders are criminals and thieves that should be locked up? Do YOU think that Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are "black tyrants"? Do YOU think that Bush advocates slavery, segregation and oppression of blacks? Do YOU think he stole the last two elections and prevented blacks from voting?

Do you agree with what YOUR party leaders are saying? Read that article. Read it.

Then come back and we'll talk about how political discourse in America has been cheapened.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Please explain Judge Mathis' reasoning to me. Do YOU think that the Bush Administration and Republican party leaders are criminals and thieves that should be locked up? Do YOU think that Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are "black tyrants"? Do YOU think that Bush advocates slavery, segregation and oppression of blacks? Do YOU think he stole the last two elections and prevented blacks from voting?

Do you agree with what YOUR party leaders are saying? Read that article. Read it.

Then come back and we'll talk about how political discourse in America has been cheapened.

I can't explain his reasoning, nor do I agree with it. Therefore, call his statements wrong, but do not blindly label the rest of the Democratic Party as a bunch of ignorant folks.

You also missed my point saying that both extremist sides of the aisle are responsible for this, not just one party. The Rove's and the Carville's are equally responsible.


Could someone please, please, tell me what Karl Rove has done, besides win, to be considered as a bad guy, evil, sinister, a liar, a divider, etc.? Granted the guy has been the lead engineer behind getting and keeping Bush in office, and pushing the Republican agenda, but what has he done that's warrants comparing him to the worst of the Liberals?

I have never heard of Rove getting up in front of a row of microphones or a reporter's notepad and saying that Liberals are evil, liars, racists, never worked an honest job, are war mongers, are greedy thugs who want to steal from the working people, etc. I can't remember much of any statements to the press from Rove, nor can I recall any policy/strategy remarks that supposedly stemmed from Rove that were lies. He said that the Libs at had been against military action against terrorists, which is true. He's said that some Liberals wanted to treat terrorists as criminals, which is true. But other than the comments from that one dinner, what has he said/done to be so villified?

A lot of Democrats were against the war, tax cuts, and other Bush efforts, and they lost. Rove's strategy, I would guess, was for Republicans to come out for Bush and his policies, and they won. I didn't hear about many unfair/untrue attacks coming from the Republicans during the last election, aside from a lot of local crap that Rove would have no control or influence over, so again... why all the hatred?

It seems to me that Rove has been leading the party by plainly and repeatedly pressing for candidates to say what they stand for, and that just infuriates the Democrats because they disagree with what we stand for, and they can't state their beliefs too loudly because most people won't vote for them.


vraiblonde said:
Please explain Judge Mathis' reasoning to me. Do YOU think that the Bush Administration and Republican party leaders are criminals and thieves that should be locked up? Do YOU think that Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell are "black tyrants"? Do YOU think that Bush advocates slavery, segregation and oppression of blacks? Do YOU think he stole the last two elections and prevented blacks from voting?

Don't forget that this Bush Administration is turning the USofA into a theocratic dicatorship.

Wiping out nations left and right.

Destroying the constitution. (One can only assume that instead of dismantling it block by block, they are going to destroy it in one fell swoop, otherwise half the Bill of Rights would be gone by now).

And if this oligarchy manages to seize a third term - also apparently on the agenda - the world as we know it is DOOMED! DOOMED! DOOMED!