It is convenient for all people reading the article to pass judgment on this child’s family, especially their parents. As with any other report you read in a newspaper or see on television, you don’t know the full story. For that matter, no one reading this article that is not a family member or friend has a right to know the full story. This is an extremely private matter that has been reported for all to see. I would think that any parent suffering with the loss of a child would not want any information regarding that be posted for the criticism of complete strangers. I do believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however, it is unnecessary for the majority of you to be so blatantly disgusting with your words. Considering the circumstances of this tragedy, I would think people would have more respect to keep their thoughts to themselves. I read someone classify this as a mistake. True, that may be a little light, but how else is it to be put? Like I said before, I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it is also true that there is a time and place for everything. Maybe instead of jumping the gun to pass your judgment online, you should think that this is hard enough to deal with for this child’s family and friends.
No one ever thinks that anything terrible will happen to them self or their children. That doesn’t make you careless or negligent; it makes you human. If, Heaven forbid, tragedy ever crosses your path and the circumstances lead it to be posted in the newspaper, I hope strangers reading about it have enough couth to understand that there is, as previously stated, a time and place for everything -- ergo, keep your opinions to yourself.
My husband and I have been friends with the child’s parents for many years; so long, in fact, we would consider them family. The fact that they are extremely devastated about their loss is of no business to anyone but themselves and their family. Who are they to prove their love or devotion to their son to you? These people were more deserving to be parents to this little boy than most people I see roaming around the area. I am a parent and I would no more think twice about leaving my daughter in their care than I would buying a loaf of bread at the grocery store. If anyone wants to “pity” my child because of this, frankly, I could not care less about your opinion. I am proud to be associated with this family and am not ashamed to hide my identity behind the computer screen.
Jennifer Bowling