This story from September 2019 says a lot.


Well-Known Member

Back in September it predicted Bolton would turn on Trump.
With people like Bolton trump doesn't need enemies, and his WH seems to be filled with them.

Knowing that Bolton was pissed for being fired, How much credibility can we give to his statements and his book.
It may be good that his book may seel because he certainly didn't make any firends among republican and Democrats already hated him.
He has screwed the pooch good IMO. Maybe MSNBC will hire him.


Well-Known Member
Just to point out the stunningly obvious....

The oath is to the Constitution...not the President.

While they serve at the pleasure of the President, the actual employer is the citizens of the country. It is to them and to the document that Bolton owes his loyalty. Not some buffoon who thinks the law doesn't apply to him.

Oh and the other truly stunningly obvious point:

If you want to know how much credibility Bolton has, call him as a witness. See what proof he offers. See how he stands up to cross examination.

It is the only solution to the question you ask.


Well-Known Member
The President sent out an email yesterday stating that he made no such statement to Bolton.
Basically calling Bolton a liar.