This wil make you laugh


New Member
The American Spectator

You tell me folks , is this satire or did Bubba really come up with this?
If he did he would make a great comedy writer. I particular;y liked this one:

"Though he did not have the list of accomplishments he said his wife would have, he said his own legacy was nonetheless greater because "I laid the groundwork for any and all achievements she will have, or that George W. Bush had, too, or any other future president, for that matter"

You tell me folks is it real or satire? Inquiring minds want to know.


Ubi bene ibi patria

the article.....

"Andrew Cline is editorial page editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader and editor of the humor blog Guns'n'butter.."

Scroll down to read
"Little known facts about John McCain"!


I bowl overhand
December 02, 2007
Mall Santa suspects Clinton staffers planted kids' toy requests
By Bea Loughnee
Washington Reporter

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Jerome Lavalle, 55, who plays Santa four evenings a week at the Mall of New Hampshire here, says he's pretty sure Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign staffers have begun planting gift ideas with the children waiting in line to see him.

"At first I just thought I'd gotten a couple of idealistic four-year-olds," said Lavalle, who has a day job as a pizza store manager. "But about the sixth time I got a kid asking for "true universal health care -- not a plan that leaves millions uninsured, like Barack Obama's," I started to get suspicious.

Lavalle said so far he's had kids between the ages of two and seven ask for universal health care, free college tuition, the U.S. out of Iraq, a Democratic president already experienced at getting things done in Washington, and "our first woman president."

"I know politics is like the official sport of New Hampshire and all, but I wasn't born yesterday" Lavalle said. "Someone's telling these kids to say this, and it's not Mitt Romney."

A Clinton campaign spokesman in an elf suit denied the allegations.


New Member
Of course it's satire, but I wouldnt be surprised that if we could read Bubba's mind he really believes what this article says.