Those Oh so Sophisticated San Franciscans


Well-Known Member
I recall two seperate posters on the So Md forum who originated on the left coast and bemoaned the lack of "culture" here in So Md. They longed so much for the Urban Avant Garde...the Elite designer shops, the clubs that were so in vogue...

Well, to help our unhappy misplants, I offer photos of two parades last month in San Fran:
Both with all the people that made the town so progressive and elite...

I wish they finish their distasteful stay here in boring So Md and hope they return to that wonderful world on the left coast.

For those of you who think that public education and the mainstream media have done a great job in awakening and preparing the next generation... please look at the photos...and rethink your position.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The "How Berkeley Can You Be Parade" pics were just frightening. It's stunning to think people would act like that in public.


Football season!
pay no attention to hessian, he is just upset because he lost the race...

Tuesday, Oct. 25
Of all Washington's annual traditions, Dupont Circle's Halloween High
Heel Race holds a special place in our hearts. For those who've never
experienced this very special event, think elaborately costumed drag
queens in three-inch heels "racing" down 17th Street between Q and Church.
It's fun to watch the competition, but those in the know arrive a long
time before the 9 p.m. start time to watch contestants parade up and
down the strip in their outfits. If you're heading down, expect the usual
haunts (JR's, Fox and Hounds, Halo) to be super crowded. Better to grab
a drink before or after at the comfortable Larry's Lounge or the
Townhouse Tavern.


I think it's a bit of a stretch to compare these events out in CA with an annual Halloween event. The purpose of the High Heel Race is to, like most Halloween events, take a day and do something that you wouldn't ever do at any other time. What's scary about the protesters in the pictures is this is what these people are like all the time.


Football season!
Bruzilla said:
I think it's a bit of a stretch to compare these events out in CA with an annual Halloween event. The purpose of the High Heel Race is to, like most Halloween events, take a day and do something that you wouldn't ever do at any other time. What's scary about the protesters in the pictures is this is what these people are like all the time.
So... Did you win? :bubble:


I'm 6'6" tall and weigh 320lbs... I don't win many foot races, especially in heels. :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
I think it's a bit of a stretch to compare these events out in CA with an annual Halloween event. The purpose of the High Heel Race is to, like most Halloween events, take a day and do something that you wouldn't ever do at any other time. What's scary about the protesters in the pictures is this is what these people are like all the time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
No BuggeredLee I don't, butt I hear that you do.
He means because of the Palestinian support, dingy, not because he's thinks you're gay. (Which just gave me a horrifying mental picture. Must go wash brain.)


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
It's stunning to think people would act like that in public.
I don't think it has anything to do with homosexuality. I think it's just the public nature of a protest event. I think it's unhealthy for any person, man or woman, straight or gay, to have such a desperate craving for attention. Protest events and the entertainment industry are both about attracting attention, so attention whores dominate those two activities.

Maybe I'll start a support group--Attention Whores Anonymous. Part of each meeting will be a chant of, "It's not all about me... It's not all about me..."


Well-Known Member
I just found it funny...

that we have been impuned in SO MD about our backwardness and lack of "high culture" people that rave about San Fran.

I thought to myself...If I won a week vacation: free air, best hotel, evening shows, day tours...all expenses covered--to San Fransisco,

I would use the tickets to start my wood stove. :lmao:


Asperger's Poster Child
Hessian said:
that we have been impuned in SO MD about our backwardness and lack of "high culture" people that rave about San Fran.
In my experience, people usually compare our lack of services to Northern Virginia, not San Francisco. I hear this from NAVAIR transplants and from people who have moved here from D.C.'s outer suburbs.

I believe Southern Maryland will never get a Nordstrom's or a Cheesecake Factory. We simply don't have the population or the income to attract those businesses. Despite all the McMansions being built, most of the the area is still very rural. Our population would have to quadruple and our median income would have to double, and most likely our traffic problems would be three times as bad.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
He means because of the Palestinian support, dingy, not because he's thinks you're gay. (Which just gave me a horrifying mental picture. Must go wash brain.)
I guess he never read my last stance on that little issue. You know, the one you like to bring up every so often called Eating Crow.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
I guess he never read my last stance on that little issue. You know, the one you like to bring up every so often called Eating Crow.
Oh REALLY????? Was THAT your last stance??? Because I seem to remember, Mr. King, having to toss that column back in your face here recently.

:razz: :moon:

LYMI! :kiss:


Tonio said:
I believe Southern Maryland will never get a Nordstrom's or a Cheesecake Factory. We simply don't have the population or the income to attract those businesses.

That's true. The population with the bucks to support those operations have the bucks to live in northern VA or DC. After the NAVAIR moves the biggest drawer to St. Mary's are people who work in DC but don't have big bucks.

For the record, we have both a Nordstrums and a Cheesecake Factory right across the street from where I work, and Cheesecake Factory isn't worth the money. Nor is PG Chiang's Oriental Bistro that's next door. I'll take Bono's BBQ that's a mile down the street anyday... in fact I do eat there most everyday!

One thing that did hit me with living in St. Mary's for 12 years was the abscence of a local "culture." Maybe it's different for people who are born and raised there, but to me it was like the strip mall of counties... just a bunch of different types of people tossed together. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, where the local culture is comprised of many ethnic cultures (Italian, Polish, Irish, and German) and each is highly visible and vocal in the community. And then there's the sports team and blue collar worker-steel mill cultural influence as well. Down here in the south it's a regional culture of Lynyrd Skynyrd, BBQ, and hospitality, and even a Yankee from Pittsburgh can integrate into that pretty easily.

When I think of Pittsburgh I think of Italian Pride days, Steelers tailgating, and festivities in the downtown area. When I think of Jacksonville I think of Freebird, Hooters (the restaurants), BBQ, and going to the beach. But when I think of St. Mary's County there's just nothing that really comes to mind as a unifying or rallying point for the population. You go to work, you come home, and you leave the county to do most other things.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh REALLY????? Was THAT your last stance??? Because I seem to remember, Mr. King, having to toss that column back in your face here recently.

:razz: :moon:

LYMI! :kiss:
Yeah, yeah yeah. You are worse then a pit-bull with aids. How are those chaps fitting these days? :biggrin:

The later comments I made here were after Sharon offered up the extraction of Israelis from what even he terms as the occupied areas. In my offering titled Eating Crow I concluded that Palestine had no legal holding to the terms of the Partition Plan that the UN offered up and gave my reasoning. Now we have the PM of Israel saying that they would withdrawal from the occupied territories. It seems that the players don’t even know the true status of the region, maybe they should just ask you.