Those with Eating Disorders Suffer Silently


New Member
I am writing this in an open forum as a last effort to find support for those with Eating Disorders.

I have a daughter who has suffered with an eating disorder for more than
8 years. She had previously been to a Eating Disorder Clinic. The clinic did give her the life skills for recovery, but since the clinic is more than two hours away and she did not receive the support she needs to continue her recovery. It has been a roller coaster ride for her as well as our family.

I had contacted the hospital, as well as other organizations...only to be told No... I am hopping that someone will realize that a support group for those suffering from an eating disorder will be beneficial..
They have support groups for drug addicts, alcoholics, obesity and mental illness.

For those with an eating disorder, they suffer silently and if they don't receive support that is much needed.....their recovery could be bleak

I am reaching out to anyone in the health field that would consideration a support group

I am one of many mothers that feels helpless in the fight for her child's recovery

I appreciate your time,


wandering aimlessly
Is there really nothing closer than two hours. My niece had Anorexia Nervosa many many years ago - she was hospitalized - but I could of sworn there was a support group in the tricounty area. I will ask her mother.


New Member
I would welcome any information on support groups that are local. My daugher has suffered with Anorexia/Blumia for 8 years. Did seek treatment, but without a good support group its so easy to relasp.
Its been very hard, as a mother seeing the pain and not being able to do anything.


Have you tried calling St. Mary's college? I can't imagine that their health center would not have some sort of support group for eating disorders. Perhaps they would let her join, or at least have some place to refer her to. Good luck.


New Member
I have tried every avenue of the health care industry around Southern Maryland.. Hospital, Mental Health, Doctors


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you contact the people at your local hospital, I'm sure they will look into starting a program. St. Mary's hospital has all sorts of programs and support groups, so there's no reason why they wouldn't have one for eating disorders if there were enough people interested.

Have you considered setting your daughter up with a nutritionist? I know you can find one through the local hospital. Even though it's not a group, she still may benefit from someone who helps her focus on healthy eating.

Good luck!


New Member
Have you tried going through this?

1-800-THERAPIST is able to link callers with professionals who provide individual, conjoint, family, and group treatment for problems such as couple or marital difficulties, parent child conflict, developmental difficulties of childhood and adolescence, alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual problems, depression, anxiety, bereavement, sleep disorders, attention deficit disorder, and work or school difficulties. 1-800-THERAPIST also refers for psychological testing, neurological evaluations, hospitalization, medication evaluations, and for specific types of treatment, such as pain or stress management, hypnosis, biofeedback, psychodrama and art therapy. In short, we can match you with almost any mental health assistance available. If we cannot help you with a member of our service, often we are able to research and find an appropriate resource for you. If an agency can fit your needs better than a private practitioner, then the referral counselor will refer to local agencies.